This week didn’t go quite as planned. But I have learned to be flexible because my week rarely goes as planned. I had scheduled time to quilt Sam’s jersey quilt at the long arm shop but this plan was derailed by a migraine. Fortunately, the woman running the shop is very flexible and was able to reschedule me to Thursday of next week. Hopefully, that will work out for me as I am really looking forward to quilting it.
After a day of recuperating, I pulled out my blocks made with the Sewcial Bee Sampler during the spring and summer. I loved this QAL which was hosted by Maureen Cracknell and Sharon Holland. For the majority of my blocks I used scraps of Fleet and Flourish (designed by Maureen) and solids from my stash. Toward the end though, I added in a bit of Garden Dreamer and one scrap from Alison Glass because I was really running out of Fleet and Flourish. Thankfully, these all worked well together.
Somehow time got away from me toward the end of the quilt along and I completed only 20 of the 25 blocks designed for the quilt. I pulled out the blocks, looked them over and decided that 20 blocks was plenty. These are 12 inch blocks and there is sashing, so the quilt makes a generous lap size. Even without the last five blocks, it finished at 58″ x 72″. I love these blocks and wanted to finish this one up.
I used Mesh Joy, from Sharon Holland’s Gossamer line for the sashing. This low value print is a huge favorite of mine. Actually, it is a favorite of many which was made clear by how quickly I sold out of two full bolts of it. The colors and grid like print are really soft and work with so many colors. I am please by the way it enhances my blocks. Between the colors, Maureen’s fabrics, the sashing and the block design, I am thrilled with this quilt top. Samplers are a favorite of mine, second only to basic, simple patchwork. It is fun to see the varied design of the blocks, some with large chunky shapes and others with smaller, detailed designs. Sashing is a life saver for me as I am not a precise quilter. With sashing, I know my less than perfectly pieced blocks won’t need to line up corner to corner.
I think I will try quilting this project at the long arm shop too. I want to do a loose all-over pattern so it is soft and cozy. It is second in line, after Sam’s jersey quilt.
Besides finishing up the Sewcial Bee quilt top, I have been making Chemex Cozies for my shop. It is getting to be the time of year for holiday shopping (I know, it is still 80 degrees outside and fall has barely begun!) so I need replenish stock in my shop. It has been fun to shop my own store for fabric to make these.
With holiday shopping around the corner, my shop will become busier than usual. I need to look at the sewing I hope to accomplish during the last part of the year and prioritize. My personal sewing tends to be less during this time as my Etsy projects and holiday gift sewing increases. I had planned to take part in the Wayward Transparency QAL hosted by Yvonne of Quilting Jetgirl. I love the pattern she created for the event, so much so that I am sponsoring the event with a giveaway prize. However, this isn’t the right time for me to begin another quilt. If you haven’t looked at this event yet, I highly recommend it. The pattern is really cool and the transparency effect is striking. The QAL for this striking lap size quilt has barely begun with fabric selection happening now.
Julia and I are heading up to Apple Hill this weekend. About an hour’s drive from here, there are lots of you-pick places, yummy Apple Cider donuts, pumpkins and all things autumnal. I am looking forward to spending the day with her out and about. I hope you have something fun planned for this weekend too!
Be sure to stop by next week. I have a fun post and giveaway to share on Tuesday!
Linking to my favorite places. Please check out the links at the top of the page, under Link Ups. See you back here next week!
That sounds a fun weekend for you . I’m looking forward to Yvonne’s qal . I’m hoping it will fit in around the Christmas madness if not there’ll be a gAme if catch up.
Catch up is ok too. It is such a cool pattern. I hope you will show me your version of Wayward Transparency if, wait– make that when — you finish it.
Mesh Joy is a fantastic choice to tie your sampler blocks all together, Bernie. I’m sorry that a migraine derailed your week and I hope that you are feeling better. I understand that things are too busy right now for you to participate in my QAL, and thanks for sharing about it anyway!
Thanks for understanding. I have so many projects that are ‘so close’ to completion and I need to finish things up. Other than that it is Etsy sewing for the next couple of months.
This looks great Bernie! I love that it’s a rectangle– all the better for keeping to yourself. I’m sorry about the migraines but I hope it gets better soon. I agree–that Mesh Joy print is really nice. It certainly looks good in your quilt!
Thank you. I just knew if I waited until I made five more blocks it would be put aside. I would rather finish it up without those blocks and enjoy it!
Have a lovely afternoon Mari.
Your quilt turned out lovely, Bernie! Maureen Cracknell’s fabrics are among my all-time favorites, especially Fleet and Flourish. I am assuming it is out of production now? I was hoping to participate in Yvonne’s QAL too, but too many other projects are crowding it out for right now. I do think I will save those posts for later though. I enjoy your blog, including the book reviews and book club! Thanks for all you share!
Thank you so much Gloria. I enjoy our bloggy friendship!
Yes, I cannot get Fleet and Flourish anymore. But I do have my eye on a line she will release in April. It looks like another great collection.:-)
I really like the Mesh Joy as a sashing choice for your quilt, it really works well with all of the blocks. Your cozies are so cute too!
Thank you! I don’t think there are many projects that Mesh Joy would not work for.
I so sympathize with you about those migraines!
My brother-in-law was incapacitated with them for years…seasonally, it seemed. He’d see the bright lights ahead of them and have to take to his bed for 12 hours or more in severe pain.
Ran in the family….his mom used to have them.
My DIL is on meds due to them…A year or two ago I went down there to find her huddled in the bathroom throwing up and crying due to one when she’d run out of meds…I needed to care for her and the kids until she could get the prescription refilled
I don’t think that those of us who do NOT have this have any clue as to what those who do have to deal with
It is so nice to see it finished!!! I was planning of starting it and then it took me ages to get some of Maureen’s fabrics from the States to Greece, and then if I recall I neer began, which is a pitty because I loved the idea in the beginning. And now I am not sure if I want to make it anyway…I don’t know… Love how your quilt top turned out, thank you so much for sharing!! I soo sympathize with you about the migraines too!! Hope you feel better now and continue with your work!!