Wednesday, 27 September 2017

A flimsy

 My daughter asked me for a baby quilt. For 2 weeks from now. "Don't you have them hanging around, already finished" Sometimes, but not this time. So I look around for some of those odd blocks I like to make when I have no interest in anything and lo and behold Sweet 16 blocks! Score!
Quickly whip up a flimsy. Add sashing to bring it up to size and voila! It is too big for my batting and my backing. grr. Threaded the needle wrong and 2 rows of quilting had jumped stitches. grr.
Plan B, took out the hand stitching in my Cross Quilt, washed it and it looks fabulous. And on time! Tada super mom!!!!
Last of the produce from the garden. Not sure I will get any squash as they are all quite small and the days are getting shorter and cooler.
Hello Fall!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You ARE a super mom! Guess you'd better get that supply of last minute quilts built up again, though. :-)
