Tropical Pumpkins
I finally came up with an idea. While the fabric made me think I needed to do something with a tropical theme, I realized I could make some fun pumpkins from the pink and orange fabrics.
Today is all about keeping it real, as I show you that sometimes ideas don’t exactly come out like planned. Honestly, I debated about whether to even post on this, but I think it’s okay to show the imperfect too.
My idea was to make improv pumpkins. I just cut a few strips of the pink and orange fabrics and put them together. They are a bit more “cubist” than I had planned, but hey, it’s improv, so it’s all about going with the flow, right??
The stems are made from small improv pieces of the green and blue fabrics from the bundle. The cream background fabric is a piece from my stash (I don’t know what line it is from). Once I made the pumpkins, my plan was to add improve squares/rectangles to the corners to create the rounded pumpkins. That worked until some of the corners disappeared when I put the borders on. Voila! “Cubist” pumpkins.
Once I put the top together, I was debating the thread color for the quilting. I thought to use this rust-colored thread. It worked okay, although if I were to do it again, I’d go with a lighter thread color. I learn better through trial and error, so I’m okay with this too.
As long as I was learning things from this quilt, I decided to take my first whack at a flanged binding. I’m not happy with the way it turned out. Not everything lined up and the corners didn’t miter as well as usual. I found it difficult to stitch through the flange and the quilt sandwich, much of which I think is due to the density of batik fabrics, and I wobbled around on my stitching too much.
Anyway, I had fun making it, I learned some things, and, in the end, it’ll do. It’s my finish for the week.
Linking up today with Amanda Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts and Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
Enjoy your weekend!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
It is definitely pumpkin season. I love your tabletopper version! Nothing to apologize for. Everything looks perfect. Love the improve cubish pumpkins–something they might do in Japan, for easier packing and shipping. The quilting thread color works, and the flange binding looks just right to me. It looks great from my viewpoint.
Yes, those square watermelon came to mind when I looked at my pumpkins! Haha. Thanks!
I think your pumpkins are lovely, and the perfect way to use up the lovely batiks. I’ve never made a flanged binding, it looks lovely and sets off the table topper beautifully. For a first attempt you did great, I couldn’t do it as well, well done!
Thanks, Kate!
Leanne Parsons
Cubist pumpkins are very cute! I quite like the dark quilting thread. It’s not so dark that it really stands out in a picture of the whole quilt, but it still shows up nicely against the background. It’s a great finish
Thank you, Leanne!
Vicki in MN
We learn by doing but in the end it looks fine. If you really felt the pumpkins needed more definition you could have quilted the pumpkin lines(you know the curves) to make them stand out a bit more. Just a thought;)
Thanks for the batiks. I love the colors!
Barbara J Stanbro
Very cute!
Thanks, Barbara!
pretty batiks I have quite a few stacked away just waiting for the right project – I have to find something to make with them one day
Thanks, Karen! I have a few of those too!
some of mine are starting to get kind of old I really need to get busy – once I get the sewing room set back up and my quilting frame I need to start thinking of a use for the batiks
Louise Hornor
I think it looks really cute! The flanged binding definitely took me a few tries to get the corners lined up, so I think you’re right on track for a first attempt. I know you didn’t post this just to get sympathy, but to share your learning process, and I really do appreciate that. But we are ALWAYS our harshest critics, and I hope you know that quirky, festive, cute pumpkins that are *finished* are so much better than absolutely perfect ones that languish as a WIP.
I have an early attempt at FMQ hanging on the wall of our bathroom, so I stare at it when I brush my teeth. There’s some really wobbly stitching on that sucker, but it also has super cute cheerful bird fabric on it, so I’ve decided to forgive circa 2014 Louise for her many flaws
Definitely not looking for sympathy. Just really wanted to show that sometimes projects don’t work out like we think they will. Thanks for the encouragement, Louise!
This is so very fun!
Thanks, Diane!
Kathleen McCormick
I love that you share your experimenting and you not so perfect results. We all do it, but it’s not so easy to go public with it! They look mighty good to me, but we are our own worst critics. We got the last of our furniture today from the house. Hope to have lots put away tomorrow and next week when we return from Maine.
Thanks, Kathleen!
Needle and Foot
This is cute Wendy. We don’t always have to have perfect finishes. I have plenty that aren’t! I do think it is helpful to share them. I usually post whether it was a great finish or a not-so-great.
Batiks are definitely harder to stitch through and I have had issues too when going through multiple layers. I think it has to do with the way batiks are made. The flange looks wonderful – I love putting a flange on for that narrow pop of color.
Thanks, Bernie!