Thursday in the Garden

Really this is a WEED and Mommy should remove it, but she sort of likes the purple flowers. Once it stopped blooming she ruthlessly ripped it out of the ground. It'll probably come back, it usually does but at least the plant it is trying to strangle will have a fighting chance with Mommy's help.

We have no clue what Mommy took a picture of here, but it is a rather interesting picture.

The Pomegranate now that it has finally stopped raining we should walk over and see if it is still alive. Mommy hasn't been walking outside much as some of the ground in the front is slick and it's easy to fall.

The Herb Bed, practically everything has bolted now. Mommy will have to tidy it up.

The Amaryllis right before it bloomed. It's an interesting plant.

Lantana, we just love it as it thrives with very little help.

More wildflowers, this is Mommy's Monet pictture. It's sort of blurry.

A weeded flower bed, it's sort of nice to remember what they looked like. They are all overgrown now.

The Amaryllis blooming.

Roses, this is the one that smells good.

You can't even see the rosebush now the bed has been taken over by goldenrod.

Our Red Hibiscus.

Desert Rose

We actually lost some of our succulents this year we got so much RAIN, others seem to like it though.

We hope you enjoyed our flowers, the weather has cooled off now and we actually have SUNSHINE so our Fall flowers should start blooming soon. ~ATCAD


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

How pretty to see all your interesting blooms!
That weed is kind of pretty in its own way:)

Eastside Cats said...

I visited the garden of a person who is well-versed in native plants, meaning plants that grew in Michigan before Europeans came along. One of the 'weeds' that I annually ripped up turns out to be a native plant, and good for butterflies and such! OH NOES! I'll never pull out something without making sure it's really a 'weed'. Just FYI. I love your garden pics!

Noodle Cat said...

You have a beautiful garden, we love to see it.
Have a super Thursday...

Noodle and crew

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Beautiful!! Lantana is also one of our Mama's favorites!!
Jakey & Arty

Millie and Walter said...

Those are all such pretty flowers. We've had a miserably wet summer here too.