A lot more hexies need to be made for Handful of Scraps – a lot! I had 4 stacks of neutral hexies cut and put in one tin awhile back and now I am down to 3 stacks – progress. A couple days ago this time was almost empty – now – almost full – I will start putting together the side rows after I get the tin full. As you can see I have a lot of one color versus the other, I need to cut more of the variety that I have but it is running low on some – I well need to scour the on line shops and find what I need. Although there is a possibility I will be going to the fall show in Paducah in September in less than fours weeks so maybe I will hold off and it would give a purpose to my shopping instead of randomly thinking I need to buy something I would actually have something to look for.
To be basted:

Prepped and ready to use:

Looking pretty, linking up to Confessions of a Fabric Addict today.

Three full pints and one partial of more Marinara Sauce – I think this gives me almost 25 pints processed over the last month. The one that is a partial jar will be used within the week – I didn’t bother to process it.

A question – does this product have any use with quilting? I accidentally ordered 4 packages of this quite some time ago thinking I had ordered the Heat and Press fusible tape for putting pieces of batting together. I guess I never looked at it closely when I put it away in the drawer that I normally keep the pressing tape in and went to get it the other day and found four packages of this. Any use for it in quilting? If I put a piece underneath an applique piece would it show through? Not sure what I will do with this – four packages! I remember it was cheap but what to use it for? I did get the right product ordered the other day and hit the daily deal at Fat Quarter Shop and got a jelly roll for less than half price – good deal. Should come soon.
Now through Sunday, shop hundreds of class at Craftsy are on sale for only $19.99, plus 50+ of our favorites for under $15. August 25 through August 28th.
Can’t think of any use in actual quilting for that heat n bond, but I use it all the time to avoid sewing down hems. That gives me more time for quilting! I bought some new curtains for the dining room, and when I got home, I told Paul I needed to hem them because they were too long. Minutes later, I was hanging them up. He said, “that was fast,” and I replied, ” glue!”
So exciting that you might be going to Paducah! I would love to go sometime. My mom and sister went to the museum last year when they took a riverboat cruise. They weren’t allowed to take photos but gave me a beautiful book of photos of the quilts.
I live only 6 hours from Paducah and have been there about 4 times I think, have been to the museum 3 times – they change out the quilts so it isn’t always the same ones hanging. Have not been on the river boat cruise there but have been on one in the Memphis.
I have a trip I am planning to Paducah but don’t know if it will be until next year. Is it worth going in September? I would love seeing all the quilts! I am saving my money to build my stash! Ha!
the fall quilt show is new – this is the first year they are having it. I have heard it will be a little different but I’m not sure what will be different but I think it will be smaller. The Paducah quilt show is always worth seeing and with Hancock’s of Paducah and a few other quilt shops there too, plus the vendors it is always worth it.
A lot of work done, and a lot more to go, but what an achievement when finished! I can’t believe how productive your tomatoes are! Love all those jars of sauce! I can’t help you with the fusible tape, I’ve never used it. You’ll have to tell us all about Paducah if you go. I want to go so bad because my daughter lives only an hour and a half away, but we’re going to Hawaii in October for my husbands class reunion, it’s just too close.
well Hawaii will be pretty neat I’m sure – it is the only state I have not been to – you will have to tell me all about it. The sauce is in pint jars so not as much as you might think – but i have found that a pint jar of sauce is perfect with pasta for two.
The heavier weight Heat and Bond by the yard is not meant to be sewn through. In fact you would break needles if you tried. If this is the same as that it is meant to just hold 2 layers together with no stitching.
it says Ultra Hold and yes after reading the package more it says “do not sew” thanks for mentioning that although I’m sure I would have looked at it further if I decide to use it for something – I will set it aside and try to remember I have it when something needs hemming – I wish I had noticed what I had ages ago and I would have sent it back if I could have – I don’t even remember what sale or where I got it – i sure wasn’t paying attention – but so glad i remember I got it for about a dollar a package so it wasn’t a big waste of money – I will pass on some to my daughter she hems the edges of some of her needle work so could work for her
Two days on the road and I’ve been thread basting and sewing together hexie a all day today.
I’ve been doing that for 3 nights straight – I think I’m about ready to start a long neutral row for one of the sides now.
If you go to Paducah, please let us know how the fall show is compared to the spring one. I love Hancocks and Eleanor Burns usually sets up a couple of temporary stores as well as here regular store, hopefully she will do that for the fall show too. If you get a chance eat at the Gold Rush Cafe. It is home style food. We had dinner there and it was so good but was told the breakfast is even better! When we travel, we always try the local restaurants instead of chains if at all possible!
I have been to the spring show four times and have actually never been to Eleanor Burns store – just have never gotten around to hers – so busy at the show and usually see the museum too. I do want to see the Paper Pieces store now that I am doing EPP. I usually end up doing almost everything in a day so I know I am going to miss a bit – but I don’t usually want see everything. I kow some stay for 3 days that is just not me. I’m more into good sandwich shops or pasta – hubby will be with me so who knows where we will end up he likes to eat what he is familiar with so we usually end up at the chain restaurants. I will let everyone know how the fall show compares to the spring.