It sure did take me awhile to get done with cutting all the pieces for Primary Colors even with the AccuQuilt Dies. I was just slow and need to find a low table that I can sit at instead of standing up with this bad hip that aches come and go in it.
These are the pieces left to sew into the small units before all are made into larger units. Stitching these will go quickly as they can all be chain pieces and then pressed and made into 4 patch units.

This much is leftover from 22 fat quarters that I used to cut up for the quilt – I will get these cut up into useable scraps over the weekend I hope and put away into the scrap boxes. I had two more fat quarters that I used but there were big pieces of those left so they will get put away with the remaining bundle. Before I cut these I will check and see if any can be used in the bird quilt – I bet I can use some of them but don’t think they are big enough for the mini baskets.

These are the pieces already sewed.

The bottom of Handful of Scraps has the 3 rows of neutrals attached to the bottom and next I need to get more thread basted and then start making the 3 rows for the tops. Linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict today.

I have not forgotten the birds and will get back to work on Bird Brain one day – for now it sits in the little treasure chest that Melanie got me for Mother’s Day along with fabric that I am using in it.

Also my little baskets – I have a stack of squares on the cutting table ready to work on as well – just have to get them cut out!

The marinara sauce will wait for today – I was going to put it in the crock pot last night but after checking the tomatoes I decided they could wait one more day.
It is a bunch of small things, but they can keep you busy for a while!
The Handful of Scraps looks better with the new border! This is going to be an awesome quilt!
thanks – I like how Handful of Scraps is coming along and not really sure how it will end – it will be a journey for sure as I am not drawing out – maybe I need to sit and figure that out
What a neat assortment of projects! I think you have a lot of fun ahead of you.
variety is the key isn’t it if you get tired with a hand project you can do a machine project and then back to something else.
I am laughing ; you have enough tomatoes for sauce and I just picked my first two ! 🙂
That’s a lot of cutting that I am sure you are happy to be done with and move on to the next step 🙂
yes I am glad to be done with the cutting – I really must find a low table for my machine so I can sit and cut instead of stand and cut.
I need to get busy on making my sauce – I will add a couple cans of tomatoes so I can get at least four pints of sauce, it does cook down a bit to get it nice and thick.
What great fabrics… lovely fabrics are great to just look at.. whether they go into a quilt or not. The birds are interesting… complicated piecing.. it seems.
the birds are actually not complicated – and I am not paper piecing them either – next time I work on them I will need to show how I do it.
I enjoyed getting a peek at your different projects! The Primary Colors quilt is going to be beautiful – I bet it will bring in a lot for the auction. Your hexie border is really coming along, too. Have you seen that Bonnie Hunter calls hers the Eternal hexie quilt because she’s been working on it for so long?! Homemade marinara sauce sounds delicious! Do you add anything besides tomatoes?
yes the marinara sauce has chopped onions, garlic, spices & tomato paste in it. I hope the quilt will raise some money but it is a small town so I don’t expect a large sum will be raised but will be glad for whatever they get – I don’t take part in that part of it – I am just making the quilt and donating it to them to do the rest. I have seen Bonnie’s hexie quilt and have been following the progress for years.
Oh, those birds look so cute in that box, love this project. I’m definitely going to make this quilt some day and please do show us how to make the bird block, you are so kind to do so. My head is spinning from reading about all the things you got accomplished yesterday! I really enjoyed reading about all your projects. I like the way your border is looking on your hexie quilt, it’s going to be so pretty. I still have to cut a lot of one and a half inch squares for the checkerboard in Bonnie’s leader and ender. My back hurts when standing at the die cutter, so a little at a time.
I think next time I need to cut out much I am going to get out a small fold up table that I have and put it low enough to put the die cutter on and sit at my office chair and hope that will work instead.
The bird pattern is really lovely!
thanks – it is cute and kind of modern I’m more traditional not my usual pick but my daughter loves birds and it is going to her
You’re making a lot of progress quickly on the Primary Colors quilt. I’m always drawn to fabrics that are almost solid but have a subtle pattern to them, so you know I’m liking this a lot. I meant to comment on your pressing post from earlier this week. I, too, do not enjoy pressing. Sitting down helps, but it just makes me so warm! And heats up the house, too. Sometimes I try to get by with just finger pressing until I have a top or back done, but then I have to wrestle the whole thing around the ironing board. Oh, well. We quilters sure do suffer for our art, don’t we?
yes Ironing gets me hot too – I think these evening as I have a lot more chain piecing done I will set one of the dining room chairs (tall ones) by the ironing board and sit