Part 1 is here.

just as we are blessed with our own models,
there is also someone looking for their own model. Or perhaps someone has noticed something different about us. They are wondering what it is.
I want to be the one that can be a model for others
- though at times
I fail...miserably...
Even then I can still be a model -
as I accept God's grace and mercy.
As we go through our journey, let's remember who we are and how we were created.
Even as we seek unite to serve Christ, as we seek out models for our faith, as we ourselves are knowingly or unknowingly models and as we seek others who live as we do, we are wonderfully and fearfully made - warts and all.
So, when
our brothers and sisters,
our models
appear to fail,
we are still wonderfully made.
And God still sits on the throne.
And all things will still work together for the good (Romans 8:28).
LORD, again I feel like this study went around in circle! Just the same, it makes sense to me. We look for models of faith and we become models of faith - most times without even realizing it! When models let others down - as they will because only You are perfect - grace steps in and we all learn. Father, thank You for the wonderful models You have provided in my life! Because of them, I know there is "Hope with skin on!" My hope lies in Jesus, but I'm so grateful You have provided brothers and sisters as my models! Thank You, Abba, thank You! Amen!
1 Layer Cake, 3 Quilts Coming Up!
all began with with
the Simple Scrappy Sampler
I had a layer cake and charm pack of Happy Tones!
Added some background fabric, sashing and wala! |
As you may recall, I made this baby quilt from the scraps and used fabric on hand for the borders and binding!
My daughter just finished quilting it!
on her domestic machine,
and highlighted my blocks.
Then she bound it for me.
Yes, I'm spoiled. :)
After I post this, I will be making
the label and delivering it this weekend!
Remember the last quilt
I made from these scraps?
Stephanie has it and
will quilt it when she has time.
Since there's no real deadline,
I let her know there was no rush. :)
Maybe you'll visit these link ups?
Hi again,
ReplyDeleteReally nice quilts and your daughter is a gem herself. It is nice to have someone to spoil you, isn't it?! You deserve it. ~smile~ Roseanne
Hi there Rosanne! Nice to "see" you again! Yes, my daughter is a real gem! Thank you for your kind words and for visiting!