Friday, June 2, 2017

Flower Friday

Well, Brinley and Finley's momma and daddy have disappeared! We looked all over for em and I don't know where dey are. Momma says dey is in some place called Ha-Why-Ee. I don't know what or where dat are. But I do know I is gettin to have sleepovers wif my BFFs Brinley and Finley while dey is gone - da three of us all slept in my bed last night.

It wuz big fun.

Finley puts up wif what momma calls our "puppy ant-tiks" pretty well. I think it are kinda a rude thing to say since I don't got ants or ticks, but whatefur. But did ya see dat white blur jumpin up high behind Finley in da photo? Yeah, dat are me, I get some great lift. #whitegirlscanjump

Anyways, we has just been hangin out wif my momma and Angelique's momma - on walks now my momma has to handle da two of us while Angie's momma walks Finley.

Good thing my momma likes a workout!

Now for da Flower Friday . . . 

We's gots lotsa daylilies and high-biskits bloomin.

Dey are real pretty and fun to run through.

Dese ones are in da kitty memorial area - we kinda has areas based on colors - Maurice's area is purple and white, Jezebel's is dark purple and orange, Hank and Charlie's is orange, and Whitley's is white and pink.

Dis dahlia are really bloomin good dis summer!

Dis lily is in da Whitley area.

As ya can tell, Brinley's momma are a real good gardener.

Cuz da flowers even manage to survive us terrierists!

We has an Indian paintbrush bloomin in da wildflower area - we even still has bluebonnets going!

I do a good job keepin dem flowers safe some skwerrils and burds.


  1. Flowers make us smile! Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.
    Thanks Kinley for the POTP Lee is worried about me and she hates we have to wait two whole weeks to get in to the specialist. Please keep me in your prayers.
    Sweet William The Scot

    1. We will. It stinks dat ya hafta wait dat long.

  2. What a pawsome job you are doing protecting those flowers gals!! They are so very beautimous!!!

    We bet Finley and Brinley's Mama is having a blast in that Ha Why EE place!

    1. Yeah, she sent my momma some pictures earlier.

  3. A sleepover? And flowers, too? Pawesome!

  4. They went to Hawaii with you? But you are the perfect Hawaaian dog

  5. We bet you will have so much fun with Finley and Brinley. And we think you have so many pretty flowers, and so many different colors.

    Woos - Misty and Lightning

  6. WOW! You DO jump HIGH! (Dui can't jump at all....) Sounds like a great time....all you westies together.

    1. Yeah, momma says I'm da highest jumpin westie she's seen. Like I got springs in my legs.

  7. Your flowers are beautiful! OMD! The squirrels would be scared to death to see how high you jump. Pierre gets some pretty good air too. I think as a team y'all would have squirrel stew for dinner! BOL!

  8. your high-biscuits are super beautiful... like you :O)

  9. Your flowers are absolutely beautiful!

  10. pawsome u are having a sleepover pawty. Those flowers are fabulous.

  11. Sounds like you all are having fun sleeping together. Your flowers are very pretty.

  12. Nothing better than a sleep-over party! The garden flowers look spectacular!

  13. If Finley's mom brings macadamia nuts home, tell me and I'll be right over.

    1. BOL, I are not shure if dis house needs more nuts, but I'll let ya know.

  14. How nice that they got to go to Hawaii! It is beautiful there. At least you get to party with your friends!! LOVE those dahlias!! xo Jeanne and Chloe

  15. OMD!!!!! HOW FUNS! All you gurls in ONE BED??! Oh, I just can imagine! BOL! I'm glads your Moms has some help, cause I can't picture your Moms walkin' all three of you alone! ☺
    And your Hy-biscits are FABulous!!!! Ma loves them, cause they survive her brown thumb! BOL!!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: i hopes you gurls gets some FABulus pressies from Hawaii!!!!

    1. Yeah, my momma has a tuff enuf time wif me and Brinley - speshully when we go FULL TERRIER and go crazy at cars, squirrels, other dogs, well, ya name it.

  16. How fun that you all got to sleep together in the very same bed! And that is rude to say you have ants and ticks when you don't!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. Those are lovely flowers. We think Brinley's momma is a very clever gardener.
    And Kinley, we are most impressed with your white girl jump!
    Toodle pip!

  18. So jelly of their trip to Ha Why EE but woot woot fur sleep overs in your bed wif all the woofies :)

    Those flowers are so pretty!

    Matt & Matilda

  19. Wow, what gorgeous blooms in your garden.

    Kinley you might be able to table dance if you can jump that high! BOL! Or snag some yums from the kitchen counter...I used to be able to do that...

    Those are fun 'western' dresses.

    1. I keep tryin to reach da table - I get pretty close!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!