Dienstag, 9. Mai 2017

cards und more # 184 - Frauenkarte / cards for women


2 Wochen sind um und es gibt eine neue challenge bei cards und more

  Auch heute haben wir wieder ein schönes Thema für euch!

Frauenkarten / cards for women

                                  Und auch diesmal gibts wieder etwas zu gewinnen...


surprise / Überraschungspreis



Und hier kommt mein Beitrag



do-allkreatives "Lasst eure Herzen sprechen"

cute card "AG"

just add ink

The sketchy challenge "CAS or shabby chic"

crafting when we can "CAS"

stamps: Impression obsession, inkystamps
cs: SU
colors: Memento tuxedo black, SU
rhinestones: from stock
others: lawncut,dimensionals

8 Kommentare:

  1. Sehr simple aber sehr stilvoll :) LG Ella DT Do- Al(l) Krestives.

  2. wow the flower looks like you painted it
    and I love love always your splatter
    it makes not your card full but it still CAS
    adorable DT card always Bea
    see you on my DT card
    miss you
    PS: Did I tell you DANKE for my bday card so sweet of you...

  3. Wow, such a gorgeous card Beate! The depth, dimension and vibrancy of your bloom and leaves is stunning and I love the subtle background you've created too. Thanks for sharing with us at Just Add Ink this week.

  4. Your flower is just beautiful Beate! It has gorgeous colour and texture. Framing it with the simple stitched edge was all it needed. Thanks for joining us at Just Add Ink this week.

  5. Lovely image, great colouring technique. Chantell Just Add Ink

  6. Beautiful card using a gorgeous image! Thanks so much for joining us at Just Add Ink.

  7. Beautiful. The colour choice s stunnng. Thanks for joining us at 'Do-Al(l) Creatives'. Jonnece DT

  8. Hi stunning colouring and adore the background thank you for joining us in The Sketchy Challenges :)


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