
I got started on the neutral area of the Handful of Scraps quilt – beginning in the upper left hand corner.  These two hexies will be put into place.


First I am putting in the neutrals that will be setting the corner and then joining them together and adding to the base of the quilt.  It is easier to get as much work done in smaller pieces as possible before joining to the large piece.  Linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict today and Crazy Mom Quilts.


More thread basting will need to be done – this is all I have prepared right now.  A lot cut out, just not basted.


Only one Retro Air Ship Propeller block was done.


Yesterday was not a busy sewing day.  Such a pretty day outside – but first before doing things outside Melanie and I met for lunch as she had the day off for a change.  We swung on over to Hobby Lobby before coming home but neither of us bought anything.  After I got back home I was working on the yard – more leafs to rake up and bring down to the garden   – and wow I am glad that I did not start to plant early – possible snow on Saturday evening – only a half inch but down to 26 degrees and for a five day spell there are several nights possibly dropping into the 20’s – we knew this warm winter we have been having was too good to be true!  I think I will need to cover up some things several nights – the apple tree which I planted 3 years ago has leaf buds beginning I was hoping it might blossom this year I think I will cover it – it is about 6 feet tall so I should be able to, the hydrangea has leafs, the Rose of Sharon that my sister in law gave me last year has just started to leaf out, the clematis is about to blossom – so many things – these four I want to cover – I won’t be able to cover the rest – will snow ruin tuilips? they are just starting and I have one flower that opened today.

One of the comments from yesterday’s post concerning the Handful of Scraps quilt was asking why I’m I planning on appliqueing the hexies to a background instead of adding neutral hexies to make the quilt as large as I want it to be – I thought I would answer that here in case others wondered why also – the main reason is to me it is less work to applique to a background then to make more hexies and that is the main big reason for it!!!  Also in the book that the pattern is in that is what is suggested to do for this quilt as it has an applique border that goes it.  I am not making the applique border that it came with but I still think it is easy to applique to a background then to make hundreds more hexies and hand stitch them all together.  I ordered and received one of the neutral fabrics that I have been using in the quilt in a large piece for the background.

Craftsy ALL classes under $20  Now that’s how you kick off National Craft Month! The savings begin today through midnight Sunday.

If you are interested in knitting – a special class called Knit Like a Master by expert Ann Budd is on sale at 33% off this class –sale cannot be combined with other specials and the sale on this class ends April 6th.  I would suggest ordering it separately going through the link to get the correct discount.

A link is on the upper side bar for the Craftsy Deals & Steals – daily sales – these include quilting fabric, yarn, and sewing cloth for clothing, clothing patterns, cake decorating items and some notions.

7 comments… add one
  • Gretchen Mar 10, 2017 @ 4:54

    When I’ve made hexie projects, I always applique to the background fabric also. I agree, it is much easier to applique to the background fabric then to make all the hexies needed.

  • Ruth Mar 10, 2017 @ 6:48

    Of course you’d applique the hexies. Can you imagine how many boring background hexies you’d have to make? Terrifying thought. I’d do the same thing.

    We had 59 yesterday and it’s now snowing. March in NJ.

  • Mary Mar 10, 2017 @ 7:41

    It is so much fun watching your Handful of Scraps quilt come together!

  • Deb Mar 10, 2017 @ 8:31

    Leaves are coming out here as well and bushes budding. Well, it’s 3 inches of snow and about 35 degrees this morning and dropping down to around 10-12 for the next few nights…
    The airship is pretty and of course you’d applique these 🙂

  • maxine lesline Mar 10, 2017 @ 10:27

    Tulips and snow… one year I saw mine with their pretty heads laying on the ground..covered with snow… two days later they were perky as could be. Unusual weather,no matter what climate-deniers assert.

  • amira Mar 10, 2017 @ 19:58

    Hi Karen…
    Love seeing your progress on the handful of scraps project. I am still far behind but it is my slow going project so I am taking it slow.

    I am still thinking about the background fabrics.. haven’t got to that stage yet. Your tips to get working in small pieces is a great idea. Will remember that when I get to that stage. Here is where I am still at if you want to check it out.

    Thank you!


  • audrey Mar 11, 2017 @ 1:56

    What an interesting technique for making your hexie quilt! It does sound a bit easier!

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