I asked my fiber/surface design friends if they would like to each participate in adding their own personal touch to one quarter of one of my ice dyed Mandalas.
They all said they would like to do this.
This is the original mandala cut into 4 quarters. The white spots on the corners are the numbers of each piece so we would know how to put them back together.
They were distributed to each person in April. This gave everyone plenty of time to finish for our February deadline to see our finished sections.
Section number 1 was done my Beth Sherman. Beth has many talents and used a lot of them on this section. The flowers are 3D with beaded centers.
Section 2 was the work of Robbie Porter Payne. Robbie loves doing handwork and her design enhanced this section with her precise design and stitching.
Section 3 by Nancy Halstead Burkhalter who knows how to make her sewing machine perform miracles. She printed this flower and then machine embroidered it. It really looks real and dimensional.
Section 4 was my section. Since I am always trying new things I painted the rays, added some vintage table linens I had ice dyed and fused tulle leaves of 3 different shades on my section.
And here we have the finished quilt. We each quilted our own section and I volunteered to put it together and finish it. It is finished.
We brainstormed a name and it is Reflections of …….
I have a machine embroidered label that I will be sewing to the back of the quilt with all our names.
We intend to share possession of it and I devised a hanging system so it could be put on any wall without leaving marks when it is taken off.
We are also letting any one of the 4 of us show it in any show they might like to showcase it in.
We were all thrilled to see what we accomplished. In addition to creating this beautiful work of art collaborating had made even closer friendships between the 4 of us.
What a great idea, Kay. A riff on the round robin style of collaboration. Isn't it fascinating how different people will approach the same fabric and yet when put together the piece looks divine?
Cool idea and so well executed. Bravo!!
Very fun Round-Robin style play. I'm curious how you rigged up the hanging?
All four sections are beautiful alone. When put together they are amazing!
What a innovative idea……so interesting that 3 of 4 used floral motifs which allowed the whole piece to be anchored by Robbie’s hand work! Good job everyone.
Oh what a fabulous collaboration - it's absolutely beautiful and showcases so much talent :)
How did you attach the pieces without an obvious seam?
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