This quilt pattern was designed by Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville's Quips & Snips and presented it to us as the annual mystery quilt that started the day after Thanksgiving in 2013. It is called Celtic Solstice. I changed the original colors and made it my own with the color inspiration of Neapolitan ice cream. Look at those yummy strawberry and vanilla scraps that melted together to blend with the grey scraps all bordered with scrapilicious chocolate. I threw some maroon in there too just in case you like a cherry on top.
Here it is next to my sewing machine... such a big binding. But well worth it all.
I'm linking up with Rhonda's Quilt Ramblings here. for the Q1 finish. You can see my original 2017 Goal Setting post here.
Back then, this quilt was still just a top with a lot of piece parts for the back wanting to be sewn.

The March Ohio weather was not cooperating with me for the photo shoot. I didn't want to drape it through the mud under the clothesline. Here it is folded in half. See how the sun, shadow, and wind didn't want me to take the photo?
If you're reading this on Friday, March 9, I'm at a workshop with BONNIE HUNTER! OMG!
Then I tried to lay in on the grass on the hill so that I can get a full shot. More patience needed.
Finally the wind dies down! Whohoo! One year I won the Block Lotto dud drawing. Many of those blocks that didn't fit the bill for others were perfect for the back of this quilt. There are birds, zig zags, HSTs, a couple leafs, one with 5 squares (I don't remember the name of that one,) bars, even a basket block.
Here's the gorgeous birds. I LOVE them!
Checkers anyone? This was a QA block
What took me so long on this quilt is the back. I just kept pulling orphan blocks from my bins that I wanted to use. I tried to pick colors that were relative to the front. I got a little carried away with that bright green and yellow stuff with the pink in it, but it's all good.
This giant quilt will find its home on our California king bed. We met in 1995 and started dating exclusively in 1998. We've been together almost 20 years. Although we have differences in opinion, we rarely fight -- except EVERY night over the blankets. He usually gets the short sheet.
Look how it almost touches the floor all the way around. Tonight we will USE it!
I LOVE IT! It was well worth the wait!
If you would have told me three months ago that I would have it done the first quarter of the year I never would have believed you, but while you are reading this, I am at a BONNIE HUNTER workshop! I really wanted to get it done to show it off during show and tell. Many of the quilters in my group only use the finest of materials. I'm fine with that. I don't have to have everything that matches. I like to make something beautiful with things that others throw away. There are only a handful die hard scrappy quilters in our group. Some with gasp when they see the Word Play "Celtic Solstice" on the back. It's mine, it's for my bed, and I love it. That's what matters.
I'm linking up with Sarah Craig for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

I'm linking up with Myra from Busy Hands Quilts for Finished or not Friday.
I'm linking up with Amanda Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts.
I'm linking up to American Patchwork & Quilting 2017 UFO Challenge Facebook page here.
I'm linking up on Saturday at She Can Sew for Show Off Saturday.
Congrats on the timely finish of your Celtic Solstice!! LOVE the front, but especially love that crazy scrappy back (complete with word play!!!) I know you will be having some BIG fun today in Bonnie's class. Can't waiting to hear about it!!
Congratulations on your huge finish. I've been an admirer of Bonny's for some time. Only made her wonky houses and boxy star quilts so far - great inspiration for more. Thanks for showing us your amazing quilt.
Fabulous. I really like your color choices and LOVE the backing!!!
Way to GO!!! Love that you used the orphan blocks to make the back, and yes, those birds are fabulous. The green looks fine! This winter was exceedingly mild here in Colorado, but in normal winters, I always wish we had a quilt that hung that far down!
That is a fantastic finish, and the backing is awesome, too!
Amazing back and congratulations on a wonderful finish.
Congratulations on this huge finish ! Such a good idea to use orphan blocks for the backing. Thanks for participating in the 2017 FAL, visiting on behalf of the 2017 FAL cheerleading team.
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