Most of that has been modern quilting books and several blogs that also toy in modern quilting. Of course, I also read a few blogs that are serious about modern quilting. Together, all this reading and playing has sucked me into a spiral of scrap quilting. It's unbelievable how many pounds of scrap fabric I have. And I honestly don't think I'll ever get it down to, say, half the amount that I have now.
Eventually I had big, wide slabs of fabric that could be oriented in any way I wanted. I began cutting them into 6" strips that finish at 5½ using my biggest, longest ruler. Then I sewed those together to make long strips 6 X 30. The 30" being an approximation. I considered each strip a Chinese coin stack and determined that four would make a quilt. I added enough solid Kona Light Pink to the tops and bottoms of the stacks so they would measure about 42 inches. And then added 4" (3½" finished) strips of the Light Pink between the stacks so that all together the quilt is 38" X 42".
Quilting it was the most fun. I started out by quilting in the ditch around the perimeter of the stacks and then adding three more straight lines about ½" apart on the inside. I played on the light pink background: circles, leaves, shells, scrolls and a new motif that I created on the fly. Basically, I just had fun, but I like the outcome.
I finished it all up with a pretty Kona Fuscia binding and remembered to add a label. (Go me!)
Please share you thoughts. I am open to opinions and suggestions. I want to improve my work, and your expert opinions are like getting gold for free! Thanks for that.
Quilt Stats
Roseate (Scrap Quilt)
X 42"
Scrap fabrics; Kona Light Pink from stash
Kona Fushia from stash
Chinese coins (scrap coins variation)
Custom Free Motion Quilting
February 2017
Linking up with some of my favorites:
'Very pretty! I like the way the'coin' strips are different heights and how there are some quite strong verticals in there along with the more horizontal pieces; it gives your columns good energy.
Thanks, Kaja. Talk about improv. Nothing was planned...just match, sew, match sew. Oddly it doesn't get monotonous. Best part--I always like the result!
That's a great use for scraps, and the end result is wonderful. I am working on a some improv scrap blocks as well, and I find it funny that somehow, using my scraps just seems to lead to having more scraps!
I like the way your different quilting patterns make the borders more interesting.I'll have to try that.
First, I love that you are using true scraps. They are too pretty to discard; bits this large cost just as much as the original fabric. (Although I am trying to toss some tiny bits. I know others sew them but so far I'm resisting that compulsion.)
Next, it's a great grouping on pinks. I admire the value range from deep red to barely pink and like they light pink you used to sash. I would probably have chosen the lightest to sash and this is so much better. Yay.
Finally, you didn't stick to literal coins. Good for you! The variation of size, width, and alignment add so much interest.
Congratulations on a wonderful finish.
Love everything about this quilt Mary and especially how it is all one colour family but with the differences in value, size of print and textures it has such interest! I actually made a quilt much like this although it was coins but I will have to make one like yours now. Totally can relate on the pounds of scraps even though I use them regularly.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, everyone. I visited your individual blogs and left notes about your posts. I wanted thank you for coming here and adding your comments. It seems that I should keep this idea nearby and try it again when I can't take the pounds of scraps anymore! I hope you'll give it a try, also. Sorting the scraps feels a little like housework, but sewing them together is easy. Plus, there's that feeling of accomplishment when you've decreased the poundage.
I enjoy seeing what you put together in these quilts. I think they are quite effective and obviously help you work on your fabric stash. I look forward to seeing more.
I'm so glad you linked this with AHIQ. Such a thoughtful post and the results will inspire many others. Thanks, Mary.
First of all, your FMQ is very good. It's nice that it shows on the front and not just a plain back. Allover scrappiness does not leave room for that. Your scrap columns are so effective because you not only have variety in shades from light to darker and in variety of pattern sizes. But best of all, what really makes it shine, are the bits of green, blue and orange that are also used. There is so much to see, and that's great!
This is lovely. At first I thought it was all pink, but now I see you have added blue and beige pieces to add contrast. I like the variations in quilting; they really liven up the negative space.
Your playful happiness is all in the quilting! It was the first thing I noticed. I don't usually like heavily machine quilted quilts, but the different textures and shapes works really well - and it looks very improv! Congratulations on such a sweet finish :)
I love the outcome too! (And I don't even really like pink). I'm going to have to remember to use crumbs this way.
I agree with what everyone else has already said! I love that you put these scrappy pieces into the coin configuration, and the pink-ness ties it all together. It's really a very cohesive piece! And your machine quilting is the frosting....I love the variety and playfulness of it. Great job!
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