
Friday, February 24, 2017

Warm Heads, Warm Hearts

My children are very talented crafters. Along with quilting they both have other crafts that they enjoy. Last weekend we went to a craft store to get some supplies for them and I fell in love with some yarn.

There was a free pattern in front of it to either make a knit hat or a slouchy crochet hat. It has been a long time since I have crocheted so I decided to make the crochet hat and I knew my daughter would like that style.

 I started to make the hat, read the instructions but only noticed one of the small notes that you needed to know to make the hat. I got about two thirds of it done and knew that something was wrong. I went over the  pattern again and realized my mistake. I ended up taking it all out and starting it again.

 In the end it turned out well and my daughter was very happy with it. She wore it to school which for me feels like having one of my designs at the Oscars.

As it turns out there was enough yarn to make two hats so I made one for myself as well.

 It was nice to have a break from quilting. When I was getting out my crocheting hook I found some other half finished projects so they may be some more crocheting in my future!


1 Ariane said...

These are super cute!!

2 travelinsewl said...

Don't you love quick successful projects? Very cute!

3 Mary Marcotte said...

My favorite is that she wore it to school--that's a great compliment. One from me, too. They are cute hats. You should try other projects. You make it sound like riding a bike (easy to get back into).