Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas Sewing

Last year, I wanted to accomplish a LOT before my hip replacement surgery on the 21st.
I didn't get much of it done.
So this year, I finished up the extra 12 hot pads for others.
My binding still isn't perfect, but I learned how to do it MUCH better because of a tutorial here.
Because of the tutorial, I went from taking over an hour on each binding to just around 10 minutes each!!

I bought a whole lot of Pokemon fabric 11 years ago for my son, Daniel.
It never got made into anything.
This year, we did a mostly homemade Christmas due to paying off some debts.
I dug out the Pokemon fabric (as told in a previous post), and made too many blocks for just Daniel's quilt.
The smaller lap quilt was done with 2 layers of batting, so the machine quilting did not turn out too great.  
Daniel's is so big because he's tall, and so to make it less bulky, I made his with just one layer of batting.  He has flannel on the back of his, so it's still warm and cozy.
This is the sideways view.

Daniel likes things with a Japanese flavor, and for some reason, this red flannel fit that flavor, I think.
I finished the quilt in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve, around 12:30 or so...
The red thread ran out, so I had to use some teal on the back, but it turned out just fine. 

Daniel holding it up.  I think it's long enough!

Lilly's quilt was hexagons.
I found the template for cutting here.
I really wanted her to have this to open on Christmas morning, but gave up at 3:30, when it was making errors every inch or so on the binding.

I finished it the day after Christmas, and she loves it.  
This one had double batting since it didn't have flannel on the back.  It's pouffy and cozy.
I machine stitched it, vertically down each hexagon.  It looks pretty cool, but again is not perfect!

I'm learning though, and the quilts are turning out so much better each time.

I made quilt tops for Anthony and started another hexagon quilt for Maggie (because she liked Lilly's so much).
They didn't get finished before Christmas though, since we had so much going on.
Anthony will love his when it's finished, and Maggie saw hers and loves it too.

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