Another Hexie Done

Little by little the hexies are getting done for Handful of Scraps – 3 more to go! and then I need to take the time to attach them all – I just might take this with me to my sisters to work on when we are sitting around – by the way she came through her surgery great – the brain tumor was not cancer thank goodness – we didn’t think so but so glad it is official.  She should be leaving the hospital and going to her son’s house around Sunday and start therapy – has to work on her speech and her fine motor skills – but over all doing well and expected to make a full recovery.  When I get out there maybe she will be ready to start taking short walks to start building up her strength again.


The quilt is filling in nicely.  I might prep a few of the baskets to take along too – haven’t a clue how much sitting around time there will be.  Seeing the snowman at the bottom of the screen reminds me to get a frame made now that the Christmas rush is over and forgot all about it – well need to this weekend maybe.  I am linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict today and Forth Worth Fabric Studio  and Crazy Mom Quilts.


This part of the Postage Stamp quilt was worked on Wednesday night.


Two boxes added to the donation pile  — no I don’t do garage sales – too much work and we live out in the country and do not get enough stopping by to make it worth while – I tried it a time or two when we first moved here and wasn’t worth the trouble – easier to pack it all up and cart it off.  I might fill one more bag this morning but don’t know if I will bother – it involves trying on a dozen pair of jeans and sweats to see what fits and what doesn’t – somehow you have to be in the mood for that!!


Don’t miss the End of the Year Sale  at Craftsy.  All sorts of supplies are now on sale, check out the new Boundless line of fabric – solids $5.60 a yard – I love their bright white and have been getting it instead of Kona Cotton – a little more of a savings on it and it feels pretty much the same. Kits, fabric, notions, yarn – it is all there – Robert Kaufman flannel on closeout in the Sewing Fabric section (not in the quilting fabric) I think at $4.40 a yard I got some for pajama pants?   Grab a cup of coffee or tea and have fun browsing from your chair in your pajamas.  I am so tempted to go back in to the site and see what to get  – but with the remodeling I really shouldn’t!

Sale through Saturday the 31st at midnight! Click on the links to get you there – thanks.


24 comments… add one
  • Elzaan Dec 30, 2016 @ 3:04

    Glad to hear your sister is doing well and that everything went smoothly. I am just as relieve that it isn’t cancer.
    Good work on the hexies. They look like a daunting task to make.

    • Karen Dec 30, 2016 @ 5:51

      yes it is a relieve – now therapy for speech and motor skills and she will be back on track and hopefully feeling much better!

  • Deb Dec 30, 2016 @ 7:14

    I am glad to hear the good news about your sister! 🙂 Yes take some stuff with you to sew….if you can’t get to much of it, fine but better to have more than less 🙂

    • Karen Dec 30, 2016 @ 7:18

      LOL – I know always better to take some hand work along just in case you end up sitting more than you think – also don’t know how tired she will be still at that point it will be about 3 weeks after surgery so still getting her strength back and therapy possibly still at that point.

  • maxine lesline Dec 30, 2016 @ 8:42

    Good news for your family..starting the New Year right. I see a sweet looking small quilt on your design wall… just under the baskets.. a future finish? Planning a work bag kit for a trip is fun… occasionally I even assemble one to take to bed along with a book.. like the embroidered needle book for my 8 yr old Isabelle.

    • Karen Dec 30, 2016 @ 9:34

      yes starting the year out right! the quilt at the lower left side of the wall is the center for a large quilt called Love Entwined a historic applique quilt that I no longer have interest in finishing – I will finish this center square and add a border to it and use on the table or wall.

  • Angie in SoCal Dec 30, 2016 @ 10:07

    So glad about your sister. Prayers for a complete recovery. Love your hexies.

    • Karen Dec 30, 2016 @ 10:22

      thanks Angie – she must be getting a lot of prayers because her recover is going really well considering she just had brain surgery on Tuesday and might go home today or tomorrow!

  • Wanda Dec 30, 2016 @ 10:38

    I’m glad to hear your sister came through surgery OK and that it is not cancer. I hope her therapy goes well and she gets back to normal soon. Your hand sewing won’t take up much room in the suitcase so I would take more than I thought I needed rather than not enough.

    • Karen Dec 30, 2016 @ 11:21

      thanks Wanda – she is going home today – actually her son’s home and will stay there about a week, then numerous family helping out at her place until I go on the 19th. yes more hand work taken then needed is best!

  • Dottie bishaw Dec 30, 2016 @ 11:56

    Yes, take more handwork with you than you think you will need. Surgery takes so much out of you, it takes a while to get going again. I had two knee replacements and it does take a while to feel like yourself again. Your hexies would be a perfect project to take along. Sending more healing prayers for your sister to recover.

    • Karen Dec 30, 2016 @ 12:14

      Yes I think I probably will just in case she spends a lot of time resting and I have more time on my hands then I think I might – might be busy though too, one brother will come visit a day or two while I am there and one niece on my husbands side of family lives near by and wants to visit so we will see

  • Sandra B Dec 30, 2016 @ 13:30

    Karen, I was so glad to hear that your sister’s surgery went well….and I wish her a speedy recovery.
    Your hexies are really coming along…you are well on your way to completing all the flowers for the center of Handful of Scraps! Sounds like the perfect project to take along with you when you visit your sister to help her during her recovery. I love all the pretty fabrics you are using for the flowers. I am enjoying following along on this quilt’s journey!

    • Karen Dec 30, 2016 @ 15:14

      thanks Sandra – I am looking forward to spending time with her, I haven’t seen her since our mom died two years ago. Yes I will take Handful of Scraps along, the papers are out of the center except the edge row so I should be able to fold it easily and the flowers will stack easily – stick my neutrals in a ziplock and it will be ready! I will need to check how many neutrals I have cut and basted- might need to cut some more.

  • Doreen Dec 30, 2016 @ 14:35

    You are making fabulous progress on your Handful of Scraps hexie quilt!
    Wonderful news about your sister’s surgery results. I wish her a full and speedy recovery! Spending time with her will certainly be a great gift of love (for you both)
    Wishing you both a Healthy and Happy New Year!

    • Karen Dec 30, 2016 @ 15:16

      thanks with all the well wishes she is getting she will be ready to walk around for short bits by time I get there we both love Colonial Williamsburg and I know she is hoping to be strong enough for short walks in the garden areas.- – we will see!

  • Belarmina Dec 30, 2016 @ 17:11

    Karen me alegra las buenas noticias en la operación de tu hermana, sera bueno la compañía de las hermanas, las charlas y paseos
    tus hexagonos va rapido y bonitos
    las cestas pienso que sera bueno coser todo de una vez

    • Karen Dec 30, 2016 @ 17:14

      thanks Belarmina – yes so glad the news was good for my sister! We are very close even though we do not see each other often living so far apart. I will try the baskets in one piece and see how they work out!

  • Carie Dec 30, 2016 @ 17:45

    I’m glad to hear your sister is doing well and hopefully you will get to spend some lovely time with her as she recuperates. I would definitely take the hexies; (a) they’re gorgeous and (b) they sound like the perfect portable project. It’s all coming together beautifully so the more the merrier!

    • Karen Dec 30, 2016 @ 18:29

      thanks Carie! I have had so many send good wishes to my sister – we are all hoping it won’t take long for her to get her speech back up to par – she is having to really think of what words she wants – texting is going good – phone calls are out for now – yes the hexies will be in the bag!

  • Nanette Jan 1, 2017 @ 8:57

    Great news about your sister.
    What pattern did you use for your basket quilt?
    I threw out 15 years of quilting magazines and we felt so bad for the trash guys we gave them a $5.00 tip! Took our guilt away. Now to start adding some of the remaining magazines to go – it is a collection of Qulters Newsletters from 1989….. the only subscription now is to Quiltmania.
    I like your hexies. You are inspiring me to get with the program on Brinton Hall. I just need to finish doing the hexies around the middle ones.

    I like your house – love the wood trim. That is how Clay did ours.

    Happy New Years

    • Karen Jan 1, 2017 @ 9:09

      the basket quilt is from the book “The Cold Wind Blows” of Blackbird Designs and the quilt is called “Trick or Treat” in the book the baskets are mainly of orange/brown colors. Mine is scrappy all colors so not sure what name I will give it. Which pattern is “Brinton Hall” the name doesn’t ring a bell.

  • Nanette Jan 1, 2017 @ 9:42

    Just ordered that book! YEA! Sorry, I meant Handful of Scraps. I am doing mine in Reproductions! Brinton Hall was a quilt pattern in a Quiltmania magazine that I am working on – lots of hexies for the center medallion and then more rounds of blocks, etc. It is based on a quilt from the 1800’s.

    • Karen Jan 1, 2017 @ 9:49

      My handful of Scraps hexie quilt is from Edyta Sitar’s book by that name.

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