Welcome to this week's " I Like" list !
1. I like this shade of poinsettia. I actually like every shade of poinsettia!2.I like Cuddle Duds.
It's the softest stretchiest long underwear. Feels like air on and keeps me warm not hot. I've been collecting them for years, adding to my cozy stash of layers. This year they have longer tunic styles that look great under a sweater. The leggings are now in wild stripes as well as solid colors.
3.I Like the writer's almanac http://writersalmanac.org/
I subscribe and receive a daily mix of history about events and authors. A quote from Flaubert resonated with me today:
"Be regular and orderly in your life so that you may be (violent and) original in your work."
He is a writer (Madame Bovary ) who agonized over his work overcoming self doubt. I can relate.
I wonder if he's right., the more organized you are, the more able you are to create in the studio? Nah!
4. I Like receiving Christmas cards in the mail each day! Thank you!
5. I Like Essie nail polish in Forever Yummy with it's gel topcoat that really works. My husband gave me the gift set last Christmas and it's the perfect shade of red for my hands, a little darker than it looks here. Amazing really that a person who is, if not color blind, at least color challenged chose this for his wife who loves polish.
Could he have gone on the title?
This year I picked out the new one, Sexy Divide that is a wonderful purple metallic shade.
I wash my hands a lot, and my skin dries out in winter, so keeping my nails polished helps keep them strong.
6. I Like this little Olfa Barrel shaped mesh holder. I got it to give away but kept it (ever do that? lol!)
Anyway It is so useful on the round coffee table for remotes and nail files, and pens and glasses! All that with a handle to lift it up and look inside. Got it at Joann with a coupon. Best buy this week!
7. I Like "free-tables" at bee.Check out my recent post and giveaway Click to read and enter the drawing

I like her and her blog about living a creative life in Hawaii. It's full of the most beautiful pictures, and these painted Santas made from fabric.
9. I like really fresh citrus fruit.
I grew up in Florida, in a fruit family. My adoptive father was a fruit broker and I rode along with him many times as he drove through groves counting fruit, measuring sugar content, and negotiating with owners. He often came home with bags of fruit for us. Little did he know I'd end up paying lots of dough for that now!
I have my favorites which I can't find up here, but I love Murcott Oranges and Duncan white grapefruit. They are full of seeds but the most tasty sweet and juicy. Lucky Floridians.
These are generic navals and ruby grapefruit all clean and shiny.
10. I like what my family called ambrosia. It is made of grapefruit segments, naval segments, fresh pineapple chunks, shredded coconut, cherries and banana slices. This box will be a good start on this year's.
11. I Like the Great American Baking show on TV.
This is the same format as the Great British Baking show that I watch on PBS but done here in America.
I missed several episodes as it's on opposite to Project Runway.
P.R. is ending this week however, so I'll be taping the baking show this week. Never seen it? Oh it's so much fun. Home cooks are given three challenges each week, and famous bakers judge their efforts. VERY creative, and I've learned a lot by just enjoying the show.
Remember when I recommended The Durells in Corfu on PBS? It's back in rerun, so run over to see it!
Last but not least...
12. I like hand sewing while on road trips or in front of the TV. I pieced the triangles I tried to give away a few months ago. They made 10 and a half circles. Some unknown quilter cut them out and marked all sewing lines. I don't know what she planned for them but I saw little peppermints. I plan to finish their edges and applique them to a table runner as little Christmas Candies.
And your bonus little Christmas cheer... my friend Pat loves praying mantis, so she warmed one up this year by knitting him a sweater...

That's it for this week. Do you enjoy these lists? Do you write an "I like" post that I can list too? Let me know, either in comment or from my email on the right side of the blog.
Do you like my i like posts? more over HERE
Check out these fine people:
1. http://pugmomquilts.blogspot.com/
2. http://littlepenguinquilts.blogspot.com/
4. musings of a menopausal woman
I bought a poinsettia this year... it's a common red one, but I love it :o) thanks for the idea with the underwear... that's what I want :o)
1 Agree with you. 2 Cuddleduds are THE BEST! 10 We left out the cherries and bananas. 11 Just started watching GABS; binge watched GBBS a couple months ago.
How fun to learn a little about your growing up in Florida! The best grapefruit ever (for me!) are the ones I pick off of my mom's tree at her home in Arizona. I am so spoiled by them that I can't buy grapefruit from the local grocery store anymore. But I do buy "Cuties" and enjoy them every day! I've never seen those baking shows - I'll have to try them!
That knitted mantis sweater is so perfect! And I too love poinsettias of all colors.... My mom has a little greenhouse space and she actually managed to keep hers alive from last year and it's turned fabulous red again! So fun-mine usually peter out after the holidays. I'm also a huge PR fan- we have a whole group at work that gathers together to discuss it each week. I don't have cable so I stream it on the internet on the lifetime website the day after the episodes air. I don't know if the bake off is like that, but you might be able to find some of the episodes you missed. Merry Christmas!
Cuddle duds get me through the winter! I like hearing about your childhood. It sounds wonderful to be experiencing nature at your own grove. Have a safe and happy holiday!!! :) Hugs, Mickie
I really like I like Thursday's 😊 I am going to check out Cuddle Duds,I've never heard of them. I had a little red poinsettia about 12 years ago that grew and turned red every Christmas for years, until I was away for a week! I also like hearing about your childhood and picking citrus from the tree, wow, we had apples!
Mahalo for including my bullet shaped old nick figures of fabric, paint and imagination on like thursday. They are made in the style of chocolate molds of by gone days.I have mostly seen then as chalk figures painted. I found the idea for long ago them in an early American Christmas book and have filled them with sand one year,(AKA Sandas), sawdust and tiny driveway pebbles for ballast. Oh, i have DH cut the stem of Christmas tree past into rounds so i can adhere the santas and gave them a place to stand and me a place to sign then.
Oh the poinsettias! Poinsettias are blushing in yards all around hear.I love any shade of these colorful leaf bracts. Back in the day of film in cameras, i took black and white photos and experiment with painting them. ...
"Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels"... Merry Christmas!
I love poinsettias too, such a pretty plant on a dreary day. I never heard of Cuddle Duds I will check them out, I have been freezing since it got cold.I crave grapefruit in the winter, I must need more vitamin C!Tell me more about the gel topcoat, does it make it last longer?
Love the praying mantis sweater, what a HOOT! Interesting to see the oranges and read about the different types, who knew, when we were just with a good friend who always sends his friends back home in NY a box, and told us they got it today. :-) I wrote an "I Like/love..." post today of my own.... PS I've been using a clear nail polish called Duri and whatever is in it, it works fabulously to help strengthen my nails!
I've told you before that I love your "I like Thursdays". I don't blg or I'd be adding a post every week.
I have a lot of Christmas Cacti (actually many are Thanksgiving cacti). Much easier to keep alive and the bloom twice a year for me. But I do like poinsettias, too.
I need to check out the Cuddleduds. I've been so cold since the weather turned to winter. Can't wait for our trip to FL in Feb/Mar.
Love the praying mantis with his sweater.
Have a great Christmas.
Great list. That poinsettia is gorgeous! And the sweater on the praying mantis is awesome! (I can't watch that baking show. I watched the first episode of the British version, and it made my sweet tooth SO hungry I had to go out and find red velvet cupcakes. Figured I'd gain a ton if I kept watching so I stopped!)
Oh gosh, where to start lovin' on your list?! The poinsettia is GORGEOUS!! I watched my first Durrells in Corfu last night and enjoyed their mishaps (episode where writer son has appendix taken out by the hunky Swede)! Even set the DVR for any further broadcasts. Love your red/green pinwheels. So festive! And that pink Christmas tree! Gah, I can't stand it, it's so cotton-picking cute especially with the poodles at the base. Well done with this week's installment, very well done indeed! ღ
I adore that mantis!
All I can say is Project Runway JUNIOR!!! My favorite. Starts tonight for me...in just a few minutes! YEE!
Merry Christmas, my friend!
Did I write to tell you about mood nail polish?
I saw someone's nail colour and she explained that it changes colour when it warms and cools! How fun is that! But it's probably full with yucky chemicals!
You sure like a lot of colorful stuff...Merry Christmas.
Now that I can see so much better--I Love that color of pointsettia.. WOW--like a pastel gift for your eyes. I'm enjoying your Thursday likes--thanks for the nail polish tip--(I never had use for it because I was always at the piano--but now that I am not playing anymore...I am going to wear my long coveted nail polishes) --I hope you and yours have the merriest of Christmases..hugs, Julierose (the new "eagle-eyed" moi!!)
SO, Do I spy some croton leaves in the nail polish photo?
A curious mind wants to know...now back to baking and quilting and singing Christmas songs along with NPRR.
I love your posts and your I like Thursday's ! Merry Christmas
I like these Thursday lists a lot - they always cause me to pause and be grateful! Wishing you and Drew a wonderful Christmas.
great list! i love your little pink tree and getting real mail is the best! thank you for linking, merry christmas!
Your blocks are lovely. It will be an awesome table runner !
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