Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Trouble on a Tuesday - The Advantage of Being Lighter - by Phod

 Dear pals,

One of the things I have been doing since becoming an only dog, is needing to go outside in the night more often. My people aren't sure why this is, they wonder if it is I think that Lee isn't here so someone should do it. At any rate, my people hope this phase passes.

As I mentioned yesterday, last week the snow was still pretty deep in our yard. Wednesday morning around 1:30 am, I needed to go out, so Lady took me. I discovered I could walk across the yard and explore places I haven't been able to go for months.

I was out wandering on the lawn, having a great time, and Lady was getting a little impatient. Something about having to get up at 5 am, and this was a business trip and not a play trip. I wasn't really listening because I was too busy sniffing. Lady finally, after about 15 minutes, decided to come and get me.

Well Lady weights more than 77 lbs, so when she started to walk to get me, she sunk up to her knees (and may have twisted her knee a little). She realized this wasn't going to work.

She tried calling again, but I wasn't listening. So she decided, the only thing she could do, was to crawl out to get me. So she crawled across the lawn, put me on leash, and crawled back with me reluctantly following. 

We got back inside around 1:50 am, Lady was soaked and a combination of frustrated and amused. 

I lost my off leash privileges in the night until the snow is almost gone. No regrets!

your pal, I got a lot of sniffs to catch up with Phod

Monday, March 24, 2025

Mischief Monday - I Was Just Visiting - by Phod

 Dear pals,

You know I am a good boy and I have been really missing Callie and her people. The deep snow has kept me from going over and visiting them.

Last week, the people took me up to the sugar shack. Lady left me to sniff around while she went inside to say hi and when she came out, I was missing. She knew I couldn't have gone too far as the snow is still really deep in places.

After a short search, Callie's boy D called out that I was on the front porch. The snow is way to deep for Lady to walk up. She gave my leash to D and as he is a bit lighter at age 9, he brought me back to the driveway.

Then we went to hang out in the shack.

It was nice to see everyone, but it was a little hot.  So far it is not a great season, we will see if it starts to flow better.

your pal, the friendly neighbourhood Phod

Friday, March 21, 2025

Nature Friday - Welcome Spring - When Will The Snow Be Gone

 Hi pals,

This was the snow situation as of Tuesday this week.

On the road

It is disappearing. We have some funny stories to tell you next week about the disappearing snow and mischief. Hailey wasn't the only one who could cause mischief.

As of 7 am yesterday, this is who we had for our when will the snow be gone contest. If anyone had a guess later that day Lady will add it. She just isn't going to have time to get back to it before this post goes live.

We will see who this years winner is!

Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting this hop! 

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Grief - by Zaphod

Dear pals,

It has been a weird week. Last Friday morning, I came to tell my Lady, Lee was not ok. I just came and gave a sad stare at my Lady and she understood. That is when Lady saw Lee really couldn't get up or really didn't want to get up. This led to a very long day where the people were sad, and Lee was just lying on her bed, not wanting to eat or drink (not even eat the pizza Man bought - it was good). Then the people left and came back without her. 

Checking out the melting snow

Since then, we have all be sad. I do look for her (especially when my people come back from going out, I wonder if they brought her back). I sniff her favourite pee spots to see if there is any fresh pee. I have accepted her favourite bed in the closet, when before I didn't like a bed in there. 

Mostly I keep to my routine. I spend most of the day in the closet, which is what I did before. I come out for short periods to eat and do my business. I tolerate extra love and my people trying to play with me. I take my short walks and hope to see the neighbours when I do go out. Other than a little checking, I seem to be doing ok.  Lady thinks that is because I understand in my own way.

Pretending to want to play to make my people happy

In Lee's honour, because she started this all, we will keep the name of the blog as the Hailey and Zaphod Chronicles. Both Lady and I are trying to figure out who we are with Hailey as our bosses.

Thanks again for all your love pals.

you pal, Zaphod, who is sad and ok

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Thank You

Thank you all for your kind words and love sent our way the past few days. It has been a difficult time, but being surrounded by all the love has made it easier. It is amazing to me that this difficult, crazy pup who we loved fiercely and also tried our patiences like no other being has or likely will, could touch the lives of so many people, all over the world. What an amazing thing.

Thanks to Ann for putting this colleague together. 

Thank you to Dalton and Benji for this.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy St. Patrick's Day


Thank goodness, a virtual hat

"May you always hear, even in your hour of sorrow,, the gentle singing of the lark."