wacky sleep pattern has made me zombie-like for about a week...time change culprit? maybe in part plus the cabin fever too i imagine...even my sewing mojo was hibernating...to give it a kick i signed up for a doll quilt swap...one i've done before hosted by lori over at humble quilts...this was one i received in the past...
and it did give me a bit of oomph to do something else....
cutting pieces and pinning to sew blocks for the economy sew along...so far i've pulled scraps and a few FQs to make these blocks...even managed to sew a few more together...
unfortunately i ran out of energy before choosing a background and getting those hawaiian appliques at least pinned, if not basted
while sorting some finished pieces, pulled this one out as it needs a sleeve....made in 2012 and gave to mom...she hung it in her bedroom...still missing her so very much as the one-year mark approaches.
also prepped pieces for an upcoming sewing afternoon with a friend....we're making thread catchers...chose some spring-like kaffe prints for mine....
lastly, more quilting got done on 'dreams'....i've finished 3 star blocks and now almost the 3rd cross-hatch block....don't anticipate this will be done before june at least...
last night slept thru the night save for a usual bathroom visit. *** i've been reading on my kindle since losing my transportation and i read online that it may be a culprit with interrupted sleep patterns, so after i finish my current book i'm going to trade off to the paper kind to see if it matters. also wondering if it might be a contributor to my excessive dry eyes.
yesterday watched st. pat's day parade from boston....so thankful for youtube! not everyone knows that it is also a state holiday for massachusetts--evacuation day--the day george washington with the help of general knox drove the Brits out of boston, actually dorchester heights. next month the patriot's day parade will be a big deal since it's the 250th anniversary of the founding of our republic...a very big deal given the state of things today...
sun's out, temps to 60+, spring here....how good is that? have a blessed day...