Saturday, November 26, 2016

Pokemon Charizar Pikachu Quilt

I've been working on some Christmas surprises, and came upon this fabric.
I've had the Pokemon fabric for 11 years!!
Far too long to not use it.
This was originally going to be a diamond in a square block pattern, but my friends and I liked it with just X's and O's.
That was nice, and saved me more work.  ;)
This is how I visually saw how to make the blocks.
And, this is how I figured out the measurements!

Blogger put the pictures in a weird order, and I'm too tired to figure out refiguring it tonight!
This is the finished bound edges.  Not perfect, but I'm getting better!
And, the corners were so much prettier than they've been in the past!

The quilt is very scrappy and I used a lot of my stash!
Actually, I think the whole thing was made with fabric I already had.
Best kind of quilt.

The backing is a heavy cotton denim, I think.
It's a black/white thread weave.
Gorgeous, thick, and so cozy!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Great to use an old fabric. No doubt it will bring happiness to some Pokemon fan.