Friday, 25 November 2016

Black Friday Finishes

I've got lots of finishes for this Friday.
First up is a dozen gift bags of various sizes from Christmas fabrics
for a charity sale tomorrow.

I was teaching beginner sewing again this fall,
and my students made some of these lined double drawstring bags
for the same sale.

These are the five projects one student made.
She was very proud of her tote bags and her infinity scarf, 
pictured at the bottom.

Another student was thrilled to make tag stuffies for her new granddaughter.

Here's my only quilty finish of the week:
sewing the binding on my Hillary quilt I made before the election.
Disclaimer: I'm Canadian, and I didn't vote 
and I'm not interested in having a political debate,
but I am a feminist and I made this quilt
to commemorate breaking the glass ceiling 
for women in politics.
Now I'm going to hang it in a my sewing room
as a reminder that we are better together.

My biggest finish this week: organizing/cleaning/decluttering my sewing space.
I folded and sorted all my fabric.
It may not look too neat in the picture, but its a big improvement.
And I found a few things I was missing,
including the melon template for my double wedding ring quilt,
which is now living in that plastic project box on the bottom right.

Happy long weekend to my American readers.

I'm linking up with other Friday finishers at


1 Quiltdivajulie said...

Lovely post -- congrats on the newly folded stash (and LOL about finding missing items).

2 Ariane said...

I love all these projects. Those bags are great ideas for gifts. I should really make some too.

3 doodlebugmom said...

I love your Hillary quilt!

4 stitchinpenny said...

The quilt is yours and commemorates something important to you. The symbolism to others doesn't matter to you. Like all art the beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you carefully pieced and quilted it skillfully and beautifully. That is what is important. No politics!

5 patty a. said...

Your bags are very nice and your students did a great job too! It is good to get your Hillary piece done and hung! Isn't it amazing how quickly your stash can turn into a mess? I was looking for fabric this weekend and piles were falling over and there are piles everywhere! I need to straighten up my stash too!

6 Linda Smith said...

My only sewing over the long weekend was making Christmas gift bags. Yours look lovely. I am going with the simple version without the drawstring (they just take so darn long to get right). Mine have a ribbon sewed on the back to tie into a bow. Thanks for sharing yours.

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