And on Thanksgiving too!
#1. I like my husband. It's nice after looking for Mr Right for so many years to actually find him.
He's holding a 2 year old Westie named Cooper.
Oh. My.Gosh!!
We've been looking for a poodle to help make us a family of three again. This weekend at the Sugarloaf craft show we stopped to visit the booth of Jill Stern who makes hand dyed and hand painted clothing/shoes. They had Cooper there in his supervisory capacity.
Now I am in lurve with a Westie!
He has a deep and meaningful look like Cole did. Knowing. Loving.
#2 I like hand made clothing
I managed to only buy one more of Jill's shirts, which brings my total to two.
They are one of a kind and wash easily.
In person it's an intense turquoise blue with brilliant flowers.
Perfect for the summer with cap sleeves
Perfect for the spring and fall layered over a shirt somewhat like a vest.
I love hand dyed clothing
#3 I like cool coffee cups
From artist Michael Natale. We have four already that sit on the counter holding various items. Now we are actually using these. They are dishwasher safe and feel so special. It's like I'm an artist, just using them. It might be a statement too, use the good stuff. Don't save it. We drink coffee every day so why not use a mug we love!
#4 I like this designer Fabric with metallic gold in it (click to see the intense gold on fabric on the right)
Hold onto your hats!
I bought more fabric!
I was just going to "look" in Capital Quilts in Gaithersburg since we were so close anyway...
In the time it took my husband to park the car and walk in from the parking lot, I already found four fat quarters I "needed".
Very Klimt, no? I LOVE Klimt's work.
He was censored by Nazi Germany. We have to be very careful around here not to censor art, right??
Like opinions, there is room for all. It's an American right to be free to peacefully disagree, to express oneself. Guard Free Speech.
#5 I like.felted items by Ram's Horn Connections, an artist living on a farm in PA.
Maureen and I had a grand time talking about inspiration and farms, animals and injuries overcome. What a joy to unexpectedly meet a kindred spirit at a craft show. She makes amazing creatures from wool, which I don't know how to do...yet...although I tried once and nearly impaled myself on the barbed needle.
When asked about her studio, neat or mess, she laughed and said "mess!"
It's my belief that most working artists have a messy studio. At least in my informal interviews that's true.
That's a goat, a cow (I heart cows), a donkey and a sheep on a toboggan! Sitting still for the picture obviously or their ears would be flying in the wind! She has an etsy shop...
#6 the Brit TV series recently shown on PBS...
the "Durells in Corfu". You can see the shows online probably. It's my new favorite series on PBS and I'm ticked off the season is so short!!! What fun! I want to be a part of that wacky family. What a wonderful family of individuals each with talents and personality.

for instance that's a pin cushion!! Adorable! the link is:
I visit a lot of tutorial and pattern pages, as if I can make all the patterns I want to in this life time. I want to make nearly all of these! Thanks girl!
#8 finding a new blog to open my mind to new thought
This woman is focused on clearing out stuff and living a less materialistic life. Link is:
While she takes it to more of an extreme than is right for my life, I learned lots by reading her posts. It's relatively new so there are not many posts, maybe part of her minimalist beliefs lol! Check it out.
#9 I like learning new things and friends who give you stuff
My friend Judy passed this tool on to me
I have been meaning to try needle punch. There are lots of youtube tutorials on how to do it. I am headed out to find the fabric one uses. They recommend weaver's cloth. I have, ahem, plenty of embroidery thread to try.
Now where is a good poodle image???
#10 I like Great Big Fir trees
That's it for this week...
I start collecting these likes about Saturday... and keep adding items til I publish on Thursday.
That means I add to it all week as I notice something I like which keeps me more positive.
If you did that, you could link to my post with likes of your own. I think it's fun to see things people enjoy along with sewing items because we know we like sewing!
In fact these people have done that, please visit them too!
SO Thankful you visited me!! Love to all this week, LeeAnna
My daughter loves Westies too; there's an active FB Westie group that she enjoys and you might too. Her baby is a Skye terrier (with some poodle in him---a real sweetie). Have a lovely day!
You hit several home runs this week. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
I've known a couple of Westies and they were great, but the other day I saw the cutest dog in the world, a mix of Old English Sheep Dog and Standard Poodle. He was a companion dog for a cancer center. He was quite large with the softest hair (felt like chinchilla) and the best personality with a poodle face. You would have loved him.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I love seeing all the handmade things you find! I also visit many tutorial pages and have made so many things found like that out on the internet. I'll have to check out BuzzinBumbke's page. Happy Thanksgiving, LeeAnna!
Oh my, a Westie would be wonderful!!! Lots of great things here today. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU . Westies are just adorable, too...hugs, Julierose
I can totally see you with a Westie with a collar made from the Klimt-like fabric on the left. Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! The Westie looks like a sweet dog. I enjoyed your list today.
I had a friend who had Westies. They can be a handful but they are fun for sure. I've linked to your blog with a happy Thursday post. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Happy Thanksgiving! I so enjoyed all of your "likes" this week. The cup really made me smile. My favorite coffee cup is a hand made pottery one I bought in Annapolis in 1976 when I was briefly living in DC. There were originally 2, but 1 broke one about 30 years ago. I still smile every time I pour coffee into the survivor.
A Westie won the best of group today at the National Dog show on NBC... Missed who won best of show.
Happy Thanksgiving! -Katie Kitty Too.
Happy Thanksgiving 2016!
I like your finds this week!!
Now i smell banana muffins in the oven cooking.i like!
I really enjoy your "I like" posts. If I blogged, I would definitely join in. Happy Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for bloggers like you, who keep the faith.
It was a greyhound. I called it, that dog was beautiful!
Good for you LeeAnna! Use the good dishes! Enjoy the feel of a creatively made mug in one's hand! There are so many things that bring pleasure to a meal or beverage moment!
Happy Thanksgiving my friend! (You see how late it is? I'm just now getting to sit and there were only three of us for dinner! Oh! and a late visit from my youngest daughter for dessert!)I too like to visit tutorial and pattern pages. Sometimes I think I do it to guilt myself into getting busy. It doesn't work. I then tell myself I'm learning new techniques and spend the rest of the time watching amazing videos on great stuff people are making!
Ultra punch is fun...use a tighter woven cloth then the threads stay put. Have fun with that!
Couldn't post this week as I knew we would be rushing around Thursday. Have a wonderful holiday!! PS-My parents had a westie a couple of decades ago--it was smart and so protective! Anyway, have a great day!
A fun list!! I've been tempted to try needle punch too and those felt ornaments are wonderful!!!
I love reading all your likes. People are making the most amazing things out of felted wool; I admire the talent. You are so right that the Brits tend to have short seasons of a show, sometimes only 3 episodes...not enough. Thinking of a new dog is such a fun, happy thing...
I love Capitol Quilts! I have been there a few times when my SIL lived nearby. She has moved home, so I get to see her more often, but probably won't get to Capitol Quilts again.
Very fun list and a great idea for being positive!
Very thoughtful list! I like your new fabric and I have the same attitute with mugs: if they are unusual and fun they should be used, not just collect dust on a shelf! Thanks for sharing!!
I like people who do not save everything for a future that is not promised. Those coffee mugs are great.
You find so many cool things LeeAnna. We went to a Sugarloaf art festival once and it was amazing. I have to say Westies are the Besties. :) We'll have to check out that Durrells show. I love wacky people.
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