Mini Charm Pack Finish

I have a quick finish to share with you today. It also means I can check one thing off of my aforementioned Q4 FAL list! Yahoo for checking things off the list. (I derive great satisfaction from such things.)

I made a zip pouch with a packet of mini charms. These were the Chic Neutral charms by Amy Ellis. I showed a peek at this project in an earlier post. My sister and I have birthdays that are just three days apart. Actually, three years and three days but who’s keeping track? Um, I am, she’s older. 😉  She sent me the Nani Iro scarf for my birthday and I sent her the zip pouch. It was really simple to make. I used this tutorial by Julie Hirt, published on Moda Bake Shop.


The pattern is clear and quite easy. I lined it with a deep yellow print that was in the yellow stack in my closet. I used a neutral, tan zipper because I had one available.

img_7873This is the first time I finished off the ends of the zipper with a fabric covering. It adds a nice touch but the resulting thickness made it a challenge to turn it tight side out.


It is such a cute finish. Hopefully Cathy will finds all sorts of really important things to keep in it!


Also, I wanted to tell you that today I received Vinegar Girl, the Summer Book Share, back. This was the first, of many I hope, book that I shared with Needle and Foot readers. I sent it off to Tami in Wisconsin in July. From there, this little book traveled from to Idaho to West Virginia to Durham in the UK, to South Carolina and back to California! That makes me smile. Each person to read the book added a few fat quarters for the next person when the book was sent on. We tried to related the FQ’s to the story. Barbara chose the floral print because the main characters receive a Peony plant for a wedding gift. The print with the city on it represents Baltimore, where the story takes place. What a lovely selection of fat quarters. I will really enjoy using these pieces of fabric! Thanks Barbara! I enjoyed these notes that we left each other on the inside cover of the book.


The Fall Book Share has already made it’s way from California to Minnesota to North Carolina to Wisconsin. From there it goes to Missouri and New York before coming back to me. Looking at the upcoming season of holidays, I think the next book share will begin in January.  It would be all too easy for the book to be set aside as busy at this time of year gets. So, look for a new book in January.


Linking to my usuals. Find the links at the top of the page, under Link Ups.  Outside of the usually, I am linking up with Elm Street’s Bag It event! Have you checked this out yet? Also checking this project off of my Q4-FAL list for the event over at She Can Quilt!

See you all on Monday for the start of the Autumn Abundance Blog Hop!!

18 thoughts on “Mini Charm Pack Finish

  1. Wendy

    Aren’t those zipper pouches fun? I’ve made them using the MSQC tutorial. I was just wondering about where the book was the other day. Curious what others think of it. Thanks for setting that up, Bernie!

  2. Rosemary Bolton

    really cute. I love mini charms and have so much fabric….. I could make a hundred 😛
    Happy Fall

    1. Bernie Post author

      Yes, I could too. It is kind of crazy when I look at the stacks of fabric. I did like having these mini charms pre cut though. It made for a fun, fast project. I have a bag of 2.5″ and 3″ scrappy squares that I have been cutting when I have the scraps lying on the table (as I cut out a project) so I can always draw from those as well. Do you save just the scrap as is, or do you trim them. I try to trim but I probably only do that a portion of the time – mostly scraps are tossed into a bin. 😉

    1. Bernie Post author

      I would love to have you join in. I will post the book in the first week of January – then if you like the book, sign up. Usually I stop the group at six people because it takes a while for the book to go through the group. If I have a lot more than six, we could start a second book. These first two rounds have been really fun and we have each gotten to know each other a bit more. Sound good?

  3. Kate Heads

    It’s a lovely pouch Bernie, your sister must love it. The summer book share was great fun, I so enjoyed being a part of it and I got some wonderful fat quarters from Janice which matched the colours on the book cover. As my fabric choices are limited locally and I mostly use local shops on the ‘use it or loose it’ principle they were a great choice.

  4. Kaholly

    Sweet pouch! I keep a pack of mini charms in my to go bag. They’re great in an emergency! The Summer Book Share was a clever idea! Bet it was fun to get the book back! Enjoy your day, XO

  5. Sandra

    I’ve made that MBS pouch and it is great! I love the zipper tabs; interesting but I found they reduced bulk there…lol. Ha on you and your sister’s birthdays; my one sister (I have two) and I would always say we were “1 year, 1 week and 1 day apart” 🙂 I’m the elder, much to her delight these days. Eeep for Monday!

  6. Linda

    I love everything about this pouch, especially the colors together! I have a mini charm pack “somewhere” in this room of unpacked boxes! 🙂

    1. Bernie Post author

      Vinegar Girl was a great (quick $read. I am introducing the winter Book Share later this week. Come back to join in! It is a lot of fun?


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