So many more ideas were given for the Williamsburg Beauty borders that things have changed up again – the ideas are just pouring in. From those ideas I have come to decisions.
First it was suggested to use two colors for the background of the diamonds so I folded fabric into strips and took a step back to look. I have come to find the best way to decide things is to pin to the wall.

Then someone suggested how about the diamonds end to end! Love it. I think I will keep both of these ideas. These will be much closer to the brown border than it looks in this photo just tacked up.

I pinned some of them across the top and maybe one in the corner – but I don’t like the one in the corner so that one is no longer there. I really prefer the diamonds end to end instead of the way I showed yesterday so this is it for this border!! Decision has been made. I was going to try to put a rusty red narrow border before the diamonds are attached but right now I’m not sure on it – the color is so close to the brown color in shade that it really wouldn’t show up all that much. I might be able to use it later for a narrow border. Now I need to make a bit of diamonds but not as many as I would have needed if I had them lined up like I did yesterday!

Finished the light blue/orange hexie for Handful of Scraps – I will need to get this one back up on the wall – I can work on the diamonds above without it being on the wall so this might go back up for awhile. (you probably won’t see Williamsburg Beauty again until the diamonds are done)

From the last Craftsy sale last week I made a couple purchases for the never ending stash. I like the cover quilt on this book (only bigger of course) but do not have a lot of civil war type fabric in the stash so I got this bundle for about half price. I had a box arrive today in the mail and I love opening up quilting goodies. I got the book a couple months ago for less than half price!

I also got another flannel quilt kit – again for about half price – I haven’t even made the one I got last year but this one will probably be the next quilt I work on – the pattern is easy and I love all these colors. I know I was supposed to be using stash only this year other than backings but I have used a lot of stash so treated myself – and when something is half price it is the time to buy. (I know – like I really need more projects right )

A little glare there in the middle but maybe you can see the pattern a little better? I’m pretty sure it is all squares and rectangles so maybe it will go together quickly? I haven’t taken the time to read the instructions.

Thank you all for all your help in coming to decisions on Williamsburg Beauty I was about ready to toss it back in its box for awhile – now I can get diamonds made and next time you see it hopefully that border will be finished and on to another idea for another border. Linking up to Confessions of a Fabric Addict , Fort Worth Fabric Studio and A Quilting Reader’s Garden and Crazy Mom Quilts.
Right now you can save on Craftsy Classes $10 off of $30 – I’m not sure how long this sale is taking place for. Make sure you put in the code that they have on the web site.

Love the new arrangement for the diamonds!
thanks Marianne
I am so happy you posted and got lots of feedback on Williamsburg! I am loving each round you do and am glad you have the light then medium beige with the awesome diamonds end to end… that was an excellent choice and kudos to who had the imagination to dream that idea up!!! Love your cozies flannel pattern and ?? Love tha fabrics in that quilt kit… is that kit from craftsy??? I am not big on civil war quilts but I love your fabric bundle and that pattern looks fun to make!
I am so ready to get in my sewing room and get back to piecing but more cleaning and straightening is in my future first… my reward will be unlimited piecing and quilting time!!! Projects are stacking up too! Lol. Have a great weekend my friend! I am at my computer much less now that it is in the office… which is a good thing really… I am learning to use my honeys iPad and accessing email and facebook on my phone now when taking breaks from cleaning/ organizing/ errands etc… can’t wait to share pics of the zen spaces we are creating all because of hurricane Matthew passing over us! Thanks for blogging… it has really helped me! Kathi
What fun to be able to use a design wall to…! And to have the patience to audition everyone’s suggestions. I like the two-toned border with the diamonds. Makes them dance! You sure received some great deals from Craftsy! I’ve purposefully NOT been perusing their sales of late. It’s so hard to resist. XO
I do love my design wall – it is amazing what a couple of flannel covered insulation board can do
I like the diamonds better this way too!! Such pretty fabrics arriving in the mail 🙂
I don’t know why I didn’t think to switch the diamonds this way just to see what they looked like, I just had that one historical quilt in mind where they went the opposite way
I bought the same flannel kit – using your affiliate link of course! Then I saw a Judy Niemeyer pattern/kit for an incredibly low price and ordered that too! Mine haven’t arrived yet though.
sometimes they come really fast – this one was scheduled to come until Saturday and got it on Thursday – fast! the kits can be incredibly low price when you think of how much fabric and pattern you are getting.
I like the diamonds turned ?. For the corners you could do a square in a square and put a four patch in the center to mimic the diamonds. Looking good!
thanks for the suggestion on the diamonds turned it really worked out well – I’m not sure what I will do with the corners right now – guess I better get more diamonds made first!
Love the diamonds end to end, definitely the way to go in my opinion.
yes I really like them this way too
I honestly don’t think you need the diamond border, I think it looks finished off beautifully just the way it is.
I like your plan for the diamond border! Centering the diamonds on two different strips of fabric makes for a very interesting effect. It can be hard to pick something up again once it’s been set aside, so it’s great that you got the feedback and inspiration you needed to push forward with your medallion project. It’s gonna be gorgeous.
Love it! And you have a lot of other great projects in the works. Thanks for linking to WIPs Be Gone.
Karen, those two suggestions solved the problem nicely. It looks right now. Are you planning the next round while sewing diamonds?
It filters through my mind at times but I will concentrate on doing the diamonds and other quilts right now and then really think about it I think – my mind has to rest for a couple days LOL