Yesterday I mainly worked off and on with hexies. I do not find it hard to work on parts – but when attaching to the whole! that is another story.
Handful of Scraps:
on the couch taking a break – at that time attaching the coral pink to the body.

pinned back to the wall – I went and forgot to put the 3 neutrals that would attach the yellow to the gray – it would have been easier I think, now I must do that area working from both the yellow side and the gray.

A close up of the area I was talking about on the left – and then need to attach neutrals to the bottom of the blue and then attach that area as well. I think after that I will do the cluster of neutrals that go above the gray diamonds but need to look the pattern over first. I wanted to get some neutrals done before I go back to color to break that up a bit – lots of neutrals in this, I will get tired of them I’m sure. I am linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and Sew Fresh Quilts and Quilt Fabrication.

Quilting Monday night ended here on Wagon’s West.

Such a pretty shade, that coral.
Here we have a break! It went down to 55 last night and the day should only go up to about 78 degrees! 🙂 Just this one day, though…lol I intend to savor it.
Karen, I love Handful of Scraps more and more, every time I see it…… I did a quick tally, and what you have up on your design wall is already more than 250 hexies!! By the time this quilt is done, you will have thousands!!! Yikes! So pretty…..
Wagons West is moving right along too!
I’m loving seeing your hexie project grow. You are making more progress than I am … I must pull out that project and get back to work on it!
I haven’t started a hexie quilt . . . yet. I am very tempted; however, it may take me years!! The colors in yours are lovely. Thanks for letting us see the progress!
WW is looking great!
I am really enjoying watching Handful of Scraps grow. Thanks for posting the detail photos.