And the quilt is finished and gifted!

The last step for my Stems and Stones quilt was of course the binding and I had ordered special fabric for it, which I waited for until the very last minute... until I realised it wouldn't get here in time. At this stage (on Friday) there was no other option than raid my stash and find a fabric that would work. I found a colourful print that had similar colour palette and went for it. 

So the binding was sewn on Friday night ready to be hand stitch on Saturday, in the car back to France. 

The party (70s style!) was on Saturday night.

Of course my quilt was finished on time and I think my friend loved it!

And my secret messages in the quilting!

Quilt stats: 
Fabric: Kaffe Fassett and Kona cotton white all from my stash!
Backing: numbers fabric from IKEA from my stash!
Binding: Paisley Parade by Linda Lum DeBono from my stash!
Quilting with Superior Threads King Tut #931
Pattern:Stems and Stones by Kelly Young
Started on 13 May 2016 and finished on 18 June 2016
Size: 62' square

And this is another OPAM for June as well as one item crossed off my Finish Along Q2 list!
Linking to Let's Bee Social, Needle and Thread Thursday, Whoop Whoop Friday, Sew Cute Tuesday.



  1. Oh my goodness! Celine, this is such a fabulous finish! I think the stash binding was a perfect choice. The quilting is gorgeous and suits the fabrics so well. Hope you had a groovy time at the party. Your costumes are great!

  2. What a fun party. Love your outfit! Gorgeous quilt to gift! It will be loved for sure.

  3. A really beautiful quilt and the binding worked in perfectly. Cool costume! Hope it was a terrific party.

  4. A lovely finish! Great way to combine all those Kaffes with the white solid, very effective!

  5. This is such a lovely quilt, well done on that last-minute finish! The fabric for the binding goes so well with the quilt, too.

  6. I'm sure she loved it! And she'll be discovering your hidden quilted messages for a long time to come. That's such a cool idea. On behalf of the FAL hosts, thanks for playing along!


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