Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday Selfies

Our sunnyshine are back!  Which means I's plannin on spendin da afternoon nappin in sunpuddles!!

Me and Crockett just finished doing our morning groomin seshun - we's lookin sharp and ready for da day!

I still are not shure what dis Dubble Trubble and road trip talk are all bout.  But I's gettin worried.  Some of y'all thought da mommas might be gettin puppies!  And now dey is talkin bout names too.  I don't know what are goin on, are I gonna have to train puppies??  I know Jezebel did it a LONG time ago, but I don't got no eggsperience in doin dat.  I's gonna need dubble bacon rashuns if I has to deal wif dubble trubble puppies.


  1. PUPPIES????????? PLURAL?????????????????????

    The Florida Furkids

  2. Puppies? We can't wait to find out!

    1. If it are puppies, I better be gettin lotsa bacon.

  3. Nice selfies ! Did you say "puppies" ?!?! Purrs

  4. Pawesome selfies!!

    Yes I would definitely demand extra bacon if there is gonna be any puppy training going on ;)

    Matt & Matilda

  5. This is sounding very suspicious to us. We never trained puppies. Our friend and honorary brofur, Bailey Boat Cat, is doing that right now. You might check with him for some pointers. Thanks for hopping. Y'all look meowvolous. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Yeah, our Finley are 10, so obviously we don't gots no puppy eggsperience.

  6. DOUBLE trouble, how intriguing!!!!
    I wonder what's gonna turn up at your place?
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  7. Great selfies and glad the sun puddles have returned. Hey, we can help train puppies about cats, if you want....hehehe

  8. Puppies?? You need lotsa extra bacon for that!!!

  9. Oh no! Puppies?!? We hope they don't try to steal your bacon.

  10. You all look wonderful. I am sure you could train a puppy.

    1. We gots one 10 year old pup here - we likes her just fine.

  11. Puppies! How wonderful. Just make sure you can get to the cat tree or the top of the kitchen cabinets quickly. Puppies can be quite exhuberant!!!

  12. Gee, it does sound like the mommas are up to something :o
    If it does involve puppies, make sure you get that double bacon!
    Oh, we like the high spot in the kitchen.
    What a great place to see food getting ready!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

    1. Yeah, it might be a good spot to hide from puppies too!

  13. Hello cat friends! I cannot tell from these photos... Are you friendly right now, and would you like some licks? Or are your tails twitching and I'd better watch out??

    1. We's usually pretty friendly to pups, so I'd say you're safe. ;)

  14. I'm glad your sunshines are back. Puppies....oh, that sounds like you all have your work cut out for you training those little furballs how to behave around kitties. That will require lots of treats, for everyone.

  15. Your selfies are just so great as usual. Train puppies. Oh No. But we know you can do it for sure.

  16. A whole afternoon nappin' in sunpuddles? Sounds like bliss.


  17. You look like you're giving us all the evil eye Crockett. I like your evil eye, it's very becoming.


  18. Puppies, plural? Uh-oh, you'd better learn some dog training tricks!

    1. I are guessin dat's what dubble trubble means.

  19. Crikey ..... I'm sure glad your sun came back. AND you sent the rain to us. Thanks we sure needed it here. Just not quite as much as we got. Spread over a few days would have been nice.
    Dubble trubble AND a road trip, aye?? Well they're not going to the BAR so I'm thinking you're in trouble. I wouldn't be eatin' too much of that bacon or you'll be too fat to jump up onto that high cupboard and if you're getting two puppies you're sure going to need to get up onto that high cupboard from time to time, aye??

  20. Yup, you are going to need some good pillows up high there, to be used as your observation deck when that double trouble arrives...whatevfur it is;)
    And platefuls of treats such as bacon, burger, cheese and so on!

  21. YAY for sunshine! And YAY for that "above cabinet" space you have now - must be nice and cozy up there. I think a bed is in order so you can nap in comfort while you watch bacon frying! Double Trouble sounds like you might have to train TWO pups soon....are you ready for that?

    Hugs, Sammy

  22. Ah..there is a mystery going on at your place. Wonder what it is?? Whatever it is, you will always be in charge ;) Pawkisses for a Happy Sunny Day :) <3

  23. Double rations for training double trouble is only fair!

  24. You's gonna need triple bacon Travis, at least! MOL We got sun today too, but da stupid lawn crew showed up so me didn't get to enjoy it. But it's posed to be here fur a few days. Paws crossed dat really happens.

    Luv ya'


  25. Lookin mitey good there Travis an Crockett! An Angelique yur a true beeutee!!
    Did mee reed this rite? Yur getting puppiesss? Om mee Kat that could bee berry innterestin an tirin all so.....
    Mee will have to stop bye more offen ;)
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

    1. I dunno, dat are what my pals has been guessin.

  26. Ohhh...the naming game! How exciting! And we are positive you will be very well compensated for your puppy training efforts Travis :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  27. Puppies! Yay! I'm sure you'll be excellent trainers. And I cannot wait to see the results!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  28. Hello, handsomes! You are looking very marvelous today! But puppies?!?! Good luck with that!! MOL!

  29. Oh My Cod! Yous all just so handsome!!! Mes has no idea who to kiss first...mes will lets yous guys decide!


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.