Saturday, June 4, 2016

#SatSpanks… The best spanking day of the week!

I'm sharing another snippet from my new sci-fi romance, The Barbarian's Captive.  In this scene, Eva has been captured by an alien hunter, a seven foot wall of smooth skin and rippling muscle wearing only a loin cloth.  With golden eyes, long silky black hair, and oozing dominance out of every poor, how is a poor Earth girl supposed to resist all that gorgeousness, power, and authority?  Still, she tries and gets her bottom warmed in the process. 

The Barbarian's Captive
By Maddie Taylor

With her feet lifted clear over her head, his large hand spanned the backs of her legs, right above her knees, holding them in place.  A resounding crack echoed through the tent at the same time searing fire ignited across one upraised bottom cheek.  She blinked, too shocked to process this sudden turn of events before she saw his hand rise and fall as it connected sharply with her other cheek.  The same crack reported through the air like an ancient rifle shot, repeating twice more before she found her voice.

“How dare you,” she shrieked. “You big, bulging, boneheaded brute!” She kicked and bucked to get free, more enraged than in any sort of pain. That he had the nerve to chastise her for resisting being captured, restrained to his bed, and protesting his violation of her person, was simply too much.  In that moment, rather than focusing on what more he could do, she instead gleaned a tiny bit of satisfaction out of clipping his jaw with her heel.  His teeth snapped together with a loud click as his head whipped around, grunting with what she hoped was pain.

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The Barbarian’s blurb:

Light years from home, plant biologist Lt. Eva La Croix and her all-female exploration team land on a planet they believe is a perfect substitute for the dying Earth.  They are set upon by huge alien hunters and Eva is captured by the barbarian leader.  Tossed over his shoulder, she is carried back to camp, tethered to his bed, seduced by his touch, and claimed as his own.

In spite of her fear, she is captivated by the gorgeous, dominant male with his long gleaming black hair, smooth bronze skin, and glimmering golden eyes.  Expecting her full compliance, he strips her naked and prepares her for an intimate and very thorough inspection.  Horrified, Eva protests, but quickly learns defiance will be met with swift consequences, including a bare bottom spanking until he proves to her who is in command. 

Deemed compatible, she and her teammates are whisked away to the barbarians’ world where they are mated to these powerful men.  While pampered and protected, the women are expected to submit to their male’s authority and breed their young.  Will Eva learn to adapt to their unusual beliefs and old-fashioned ways?  Can she sacrifice her independence and surrender to this dynamic, highly sexual alien male who has conquered her body, and perhaps her heart?  Or when escape is imminent, will she flee with the others, never to see him again and feel the rampant desire that now surges through her blood for her compelling barbarian mate? 

Publisher’s note:  The Barbarian’s Captive is a romance novel containing sexual scenes, spanking, elements of BDSM, medical and anal play.  If this subject matter is offensive, please do not buy this book. 

Keep up with Maddie at the following links:

Maddie’s Amazon Page:

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