Friday, 27 May 2016

The reason I quilt

I had some fun with a pile of 1.5 inch squares 
which were originally intended for a much larger charm quilt. 
I love playing with little bits, but really don't enjoy the fuss of cutting little squares from scraps. 
So I used them in a quilt about why I quilt. 
It measures about 20 by 30 inches and is machine quilted. 
Since this photo, I've ripped out the loopy meandering in the white background 
and replaced it with a small all-over pebbles.

I bordered the word with a green Kona solid, and again with a Kaffe print.
I had a bit of fun with the machine quilting, putting in a needle pulling thread off a spool.
This is also the first time I've experimented with dense quilting around a letter
to make it pop.

What is the reason you quilt? To to touch fabric? 
See designs form under your fingers? To create? To buy more fabric?

This quilt is hanging in the MCC Quilt Show and Sale in Winnipeg, 
which opens today and runs through Sunday.
If you're near here, stop by.

Update: When I stopped in at the show, I overheard a young girl saying
"That quilt says touch but we're not supposed to touch the quilts."
Too funny.

I helped to hang the show yesterday and there's lots of great stuff to see,
as well as lots of goodies in the sale room, including my zippy bags made from upholstery samples.

I'm linking up with other Friday finishers at TGIFF


1 Christine Slaughter said...

This is so awesome!! Love everything about it; the scrappy "FABRIC" piecing, the quilted words, the quilted spool... Why you quilt. It all makes me smile! I quilt because I love the making part. And the giving it away part. And all the pretty fabrics and threads. It just takes me to a happy place (and my children appreciate that. Ha!).

2 em's scrapbag said...

Wonderful piece! Wish I could come to your show. I quilt for the creative release. I can't tell you how the joy and fulfillment I find in taking bits of fabric and making something new and wonderful.

3 LadySchep said...

This made me laugh out loud! I love it. I quilt to make something useful--nothing brings me more joy than to see something I made being used.

4 Nifty Quilts said...

Wonderful! I love your bold lettering made with thread. That needle through the t is especially fun!

5 Quiltdivajulie said...

I stitch to stay sane. The sound of the machine, the feel of the fabric under my finger tips, the process of making, and the joy of the colors -- each and every part is important to me.

6 Barbara said...

Very cute and clever. I quilt because I can't not quilt.

7 Bernie Kringel said...

I love the way you have the word written with thread pulled from the spool of thread. Such a clever touch!

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