Wild West Huskies Dress Up for Whitley

Today, we are joining in the Blogville's "Dress Up for Whitley" Day in memory of our sweet furpal. 

Since Whitley loved wearing pretty little dresses her momma made for her, and she loved all things Texas, I thought my FiveSibes Wild Bunch dressed in their Old West duds would be the fitting photo to honor our sweet little furangel friend. 

Whitley, you and your pretty little dresses sure are missed! Please find my sweet boy, Gibson, a/k/a "Marshall Gentleman Gib," send him my love, tell him I miss him, and then you two enjoy a nice round of frosty root beers together, share a burger, and enjoy some paw-tappin' music while giving a spin around the dance floor together, with your skirt twirling!  (Whitley, Gentleman Gib is a great dancer!) 

There sure will be a rootin'-tootin' fun time up at the Rainbow Bridge today, that's for certain!

Here's the rest of our FiveSibes pack in their 
Western party best!

Ride into the sunset, sweet little cowgirl Whitley. Gentleman Gib and so many furpals are waiting, ready to take that great trail ride in the sky 
together, forever.

 "Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learnt something from yesterday."~Inscription on John Wayne's Headstone


We are joining Dory's Backyard and many other Blogville folks today in the Dress Up for Whitley blog hop! We hope you'll join in and be sure to hop around and see what other wonderful outfits bloggers are wearing today for sweet Whitley! What a wonderful community Bloggerville is!


  1. That is such a wonderful tribute to dear Whitley.

  2. You are all looking PAWsome! I'm a bit sporty instead of stylish but miss that sweet smiling face too!

  3. You all look pawsome. We know it would make Whitley smile!

  4. You all look really pawsome in your hats and we know Whitley is smiling real big :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  5. Y'all look great! Fanks for dressin up for Whitley!

  6. OMD, you guys look FABulous!!!!1 I just knows Whitley is smilin' from the Bridge!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  7. Luv da western duds... we's kinda parshul to cowboys 'round dese parts-- and cowgirls, too!!

    Thanks fur pawticipatin' in da blog hop in honor of my BFF, Whitley-- it means so much to us...

  8. What a bunch of sharp dressed Sibes!! We just know Whitley is smiling down on all the snazzy dressed Blogville Citizens today!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
    PeeEss..Mama will make sure to get your birthdays on the Blogville Birthday list!!

  9. OMD! You all look pawesome!! Whitley is surely smiling down on all of you! Arooooooo


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