Monday, May 23, 2016

Dress Up For Whitley

Our pal Dory is hosting Dress Up For Whitley day today - as y'all probably know, our woofie sisfur wuz quite da fashionista.  So all of Blogville are dressing up in her honor today.  And we wanted to thank all of y'all - it really means a lot dat y'all luved Whitley too.  I's rockin my lime bandana today for her.

And ya know, da women go crazy bout a sharp-dressed man!

Crockett picked a red bandana to match his razzberry.

Now momma wuz just gonna put a bandana on Angelique too.  But den Angelique had to go all Crazy Cat on her and try to claw her when my momma wuz just carrying her.  So my momma decided to give Angelique somefin to be mad about for reals, MOL MOL!

Angelique had to wear a denim dress dat Whitley won from da Critters in da Cottage - MOL MOL!  I think momma better get dat lil girl puppy soon dat she keeps thinkin bout if she wants someone to wear dat dress cuz Angie duzn't look too happy!  I guess dat are what she gets for givin my momma a hard time.  Just as long as I don't have to wear a dress.  Bandanas, hats, I'd probably be ok wif a vest. But my name ain't Bruce Caitlyn, not dat dere's anything wrong wif dat (it's ok Bertie, real men wear pink, I'm not too shure bout pink frocks though, MOL!)

Fanks so much to everybody who are participating in Dress Up For Whitley today. We luvs y'all!  Momma are havin a tuff time wif missin Whitley, yesterday wuz hard since Finley and Whitley always celebrated their birthdays together (well, when dey wuz livin da same place).  But it wuz da first time since Whitley passed away dat we saw Finley smile and seem really happy, so dat wuz good.  I guess gettin 10 toys and Whataburger will do dat for a pup.  Speaking of which, I can haz a cheezburger??


  1. BOL! Oh, man! Angelique looks ANGRY! Always go along with what your Mom wants. Otherwise...well, you see! *ear licks* Noodle

  2. Those bandanas are gorgeous, and that denim dress is beautiful!

  3. Awwww! You boys look so good in your bandannas.
    Angelique looks good too,except for the expression on her face.
    Guess she is not into wearing clothes ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

    1. I think mainly she wuz just not into my momma messin wif her today.

  4. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you Kool Kats are all dressed up! Angelique I love your dress and for sure women go crazy for a well dressed man who drives hot wheels!!
    Great choice of songs.
    Hugs all around madi your bfff

  5. I love seeing what everybody's wearing! Although I didn't do an official post for Whitley today, I am dressed up in today's blog in a bandana... kind of a big one, too.

    1. We saw, dat shure wuz an oversized one, hee hee!

  6. You all look great- Angelique looks very pretty is the dress I bet she wants revenge. Joanie dressed up for Whitley today on our blog.

  7. First of all, we are very sorry that Whitley had to fly away to the Rainbow bridge. We haven't been around much and missed the sad news. M sends big HUGS to your staff. We think Angelique looks beautiful, but I know how she feels. It feels funny wearing clothes until you get used to it. You boys look extra spiffy in your bandanas - very sharp.

  8. Your dress-upped pictures for Whitley are doing her proud, we just know it.
    Wow, you actually got a dress on Angelique, OMC! Did someone's skin pay fur that?

    Well, we hope we can convince the petcretary to hop along because we all admired and loved your dear Whitley. We wish to honor her precious memory too:)

    (((((((((( ♥ ))))))))))

    MrJackFreckles; Pipo & Minko & their Petcretary Ingrid

  9. It is so nice that everyone joined in the celebration of dressing up for our girl Whitley. ♥ Mom had better sleep with one eye open around Angelique. She looks really miffed! MOL! MOL!

    1. Yeah, my momma are definitely gonna keep an eye on her!

  10. guys.....we tried R best ta let de food servizz gurl get sum cloth upon uz but it waz knot werkin....we wanted ya ta noe we dressed up for whitley in R mindz eye...we haz seen all de way kewl out fitz everee ones been wearin for yur sisturr......what a soooper sa ~ wheat tribute for her ♥♥♥

  11. Well, we didn't dress up because we're more your naked sort of dogs. But we've been enjoying all of Blogville in their finery and want you to know that loved Whitley and her comments, too. We miss her.

    Now we have to stop because we're laughin' at Angie!

  12. My Dog mom cries every time she thinks of all of you! Our hearts, hugs, paws and prayers are with you and your family both human and fur! I'm a bit sporty instead of the beautiful fashionista that dear sweet Whitley was but wanted to participate to show you all how much we miss her too!
    Thank you for the smiles, thinking how funny it was that Angelique was given something to truly be miffed about.
    ~Shasta & my Dog Mom Denise

  13. OMD!! Get a load of the tart!! All she needs is a beret and she'd be french, aye?? She's sure mastered 'the look'. Crikey..... I can't stop laughing!! I'm glad Finley's smiling again but I'd sure like to see your Momma with a big smile on her face, aye?? Whitley will let her know when it's time for that new puppy. Our Harri sent me to my Mum.

    1. Yeah, my momma may just have to wait a while for da right pup - her and Finley's momma are plannin on gettin sisfurs!!

  14. Hi Guys! Yous looks fabulishious! Especially Angelique in the Dress!
    Mes sorry mes missed today. But knows mes loves yous lots and with yous in spirit!

  15. Sorry Travis, me and mommy both furgot. Too much goin' on. But ou all look just gawjus, even Angie. MOL

    Luv ya'


  16. You all really look terrific all dressed up for Whitley. We know that she enjoyed seeing all of you and good girl Angie for putting that dress on. Sending lots of hugs to all of you.

  17. You all look great! Everyone really has come together to pay tribute to Whitley...though we did forget...sorry. But we love seeing everybuddy else all dressed up.

  18. We had quite a few offer their thoughts and feelings about Whitley. Angelique looks positively out of joint. I'd get the dress off her pretty soon. I get that look just before I have a conniption. MOL


    1. Yeah, she got it off immediately after da photos.

  19. That is SO sweet or Dory to do that in memory of Whitley! We are three kittehs who do NOT dress up (although Allie pointed out she is ALWAYS Dressed to Kill in her Bling - whatEVS.)
    But we wanted to know we're dressing up for Whitley in SPIRIT!!!

  20. You boys look as cute as buttons as always! And Angelique we can't believe you "let" THEM put a dress on you.Did you leave some scars? If not, there is still time. . .

    P.S.You look super adorable in the jean dress and we are certain you wearing it made Whitley smile :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. There wuz ackshually no bloodshed, if ya can believe it.

  21. You all look fantastic! Momma was gonna put a dress on Tilda but then thought twice of it since Matilda was in rare form ;)

    Bell Fur Zoo

  22. We know Whitley would love all your outfits.

  23. you all look fab! Angelique doesn't look too happy but the dress is cute on her. hope you momma didn't get too shredded in the photoshoot :)

    pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto

  24. You boys look so handsome, but Angie does look as if she'd like to gouge somebody's eyes out. She does look quite stylish, though. We were so happy we could participate today in honor of Whitley. She really was a special pub. XOCK Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  25. Hahahahaha.... serves Angie right.... hahaha.... If looks could kill, Travis, yer Momma wud be toast!!

    Ya boys are really rockin' da bandanas...

    Maybe Angie just wants a purple dress instead of a denim one.... I'll hafta sic Momma on her..bol, bol!!

  26. Travis, we have to say, we think maybe Angelique deserved getting that dress put on and she does look awfully cute in it!!

    We hope your Mama got a few smiles out of all the cute and silly dressed citizens of Blogville today! We here at Dory's Backyard feel so very honored to have called Whitley furiend and will miss her so very much. We will smile and think of her everytime we wear one of the bandana's your Mama made and especially when Dory wears her Dolphin/Flamingo dress!
    Love, Hugs and Big Smileys for Whitley!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

    1. My momma really luved seein everyone dressed up - so many cute and funny pics! Fanks so much for hostin it.

  27. Travis we had fun dressing up for Whitley yesterday and joining in Dory's blog hop. It was wonderful how many blogville buddies honored her but there will always only be one REAL Fashionista and indeed it was your sister Whitley! Hope Finley had a fun birthday - all those toys and Whataburger was a good day for her. We send our hugs to all of's not easy to lose a part of your family and your heart.

    Love, Sammy

  28. Oh yes, definitely sharp dressing going on!
    But I haf to say, a bandana and a raspberry did make me laff Crockett, you are one cool kitty
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  29. You guys look great in the bandannas! Angelique looks so cute, but SO not amused. :)

  30. Wait Wait Wait I knew about Crockett and Travis named after famous men in Texas history but where did Angelique come from? How did she get her name? I am glad so many dressed for Whitley and sorry we missed doing so. She will be forever remember in our hearts.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

    1. Angelique are my momma's sister's (Ally's) kitty. She doesn't have a Texas name - her momma likes da Frenchie names and named her Angelique Noelle since she got her in December. Naming her Angelique - dat one's a laff, MOL!

    2. Definitely not a Texas girl. Maybe she would rather live in Gay Paree or I meant Gay Purr-ee!

    3. Well, dere is a Paris, Texas, ya knows . . .


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