Monday, May 23, 2016

Dress Up for Whitley Day

Today I am proud to join in Blogville's memorial for a dear friend Whitley Westie. Since Whitley was one of the most fashionable Westies in all of Blogville, with all her beautiful handmade dresses, we are all Dressing Up for Whitley today. I have chosen this fine ensemble.

Oz dressed in his official Georgia Institute of Technology shirt

You may recognize this white shirt as my Dr. Oz the Terrier scrubs as I have worn it in almost all of my dog health and wellness posts. However, this shirt can also be worn on game day - specifically any game day played by Daddy-dog's alma mater, Georgia Institute of Technology. This is my official, licensed Georgia Tech "GT" Yellow Jackets shirt.

Oz is a fan of Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets

As you can see, I have also borrowed Daddy-dog's Yellow Jacket baseball cap as well as one of these game day blow up smasher-thingies. I think both help to complete this loyal fan's look.

However, this shirt can also be dressed up if the need arises like if I am ever invited to a formal alumni event. I just add my bumble bee bow tie from Sugar's Golden Woofs Shop which I think goes perfectly with GT's colors and mascot.

Oz in GT Yellow Jackets shirt with his bumble bee bow tie from Golden Woofs

I miss you darling Whitley. You were Terrier Tough until the end and I am proud to have called you friend.

Please join us today for Dress Up for Whitley Day!


  1. BOL! that's your scrubs shirt :-) PAWfect to accessorize with your lady bug bow tie . For sure Whitley agrees. Golden Woofs

  2. You look fantastic! We know Whitely is proud.

  3. I luffs your outfit Oz
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Rockin' that outfit Oz! You look great and Whitley would have loved it!

  5. Oz you look great... the cap fits so perfectly with your fur! 10 points from france!!!

  6. OMD, you are looking so very hndsome for Whitley today!! That bow tie totally completes your ensemble! We are sure Whitley is smiling down on Blogville today!
    Smileys for Whitley!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  7. Our Girrrrrl Whitley will definitely Approve of your tribute post fur her today.. You look Smashing in that Grrrrreat GIT Gear.

  8. What a great bow tie! I pinned a pattern for making them but haven't gotten to it yet. You've inspired me to look for fabric. Anyhow, great outfits for Whitley. You rock, Oz! P.S. Did you see on FB that Toby is FINALLY using his QuikShade bed when camping? I was doing the happy dance :D

  9. You look very handsome, Oz!

  10. Wow wee! You look awesome and ready for game day!

  11. Oz..............OMCs love the GT attire but this gal gets weak in the knees
    when she sees men in bow ties!!
    Hugs madi your bfff

  12. Oz, you look so spiffy for that wonderful Whitley. We know he is smiling down on all of these dressy cats and dogs.

  13. Wow you cans go to the baseball game and then to an evening on the town by just adding that dashing bowtie! Oz, you looks handsome in anything! Whitley would have loved seeing your fashion sensibilities. Purrz and Prayerz from the Katie Katz

  14. Hari OM
    Hooray Oz - looking hot!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  15. Love your dress up pics there OZ! It is such a special day to honor Whitley
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  16. Whitley is smiling today
    Lily & Edward

  17. You look awesome, Oz! Whitley was always stylin' in her beautiful dresses and we sure miss her!

  18. You look so cute! I love your outfit and must say that the tie is pawfect. ♥ I'm sure that Whitley is very proud.

  19. Oz, you in that bow-tie are so handsome. We know that Whitley is looking down and smiling on all her friends today. She was indeed and special girl. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  20. You did a great job and you look seriously adorable :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  21. OMD your are so handsome! We miss that sweet Whitley's face too!

  22. Oz, you look stylish for game day as well as dropping in at the club afterwards. Great tribute for Whitley.

  23. Such a beautiful tribute, and way to honor Whitney!

  24. You are looking super cute in all your outfits Oz.

  25. Good job Oz. Whitley would be so pleased.

    Abby Lab

  26. Such a great way to honor Whitley. Looking great, Oz!

  27. Thanks fur pawticipatin' in da Blog Hop in honor of my BFF, Whitley, Oz... ya looks terrierific and did Whit proud!!

  28. Oh dude, that is PAWFECT!!!! You look most FABulous!
    Ruby ♥

  29. Your looking good buddy, sorry for the loss of your friend.

  30. One ringy dingy…two ringy dingy Oz I think you look magnificent! Why having one outfit that can be worn two ways is very money smart.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier