Friday, May 13, 2016

Flower Friday

Well, da kitchen remuddlin continues - it doesn't look like any bacon will be comin outta there tomorrow morning, dat's for shure.  So be shure to send you bacon care packages right to me, I are gonna need em.

I might even share wif Crockett . . . 

We's managing ok. All of us are still missin Whitley tons and Finley has been sleepin in my bed wif my momma.  At furst, I wuzn't too shure bout dat, but I are startin to warm up to her.  

And now for da flowers, I knows I's promised I'd show y'all some outside flowers, and I will.  But dis week, momma got a beeyootifull orchid plant from Sydney and everyone at in honor of Whitley, and we wanted to show ya.

Da flowers are white, just like Whitley.

It wuz so sweet of Sydney to send dis plant, Chewy are a company dat really cares and one we definitely recommend.

Whitley's pal Dory is hostin a Dress Up for Whitley on May 23 - for more informayshun, check out Dory's blog.


  1. That Sydney and those over at sure are thoughtful!! That is one beautimous white orchid!!

    Thanks so much for joining us for Flower Friday this week!

    PeeEss...We hope you get bacon SOON!!

  2. How sweet of Sydney to send you guys the orchid in Whitley's memory. I hope your kitchen gets put back together soon so you can get some bacon again.

  3. Dat were real nice of Chewy...

    I don't see any bacon in our future any time soon....

    Dis iz makin' me evfun more sadder....

    1. Yeah, we NEED bacon to keep from being too depressed, right?

  4. What a beautiful orchid. How nice for your friends to send that in Whitley's honor!

    No bacon?? Wait, you have a BBQ grill?? You could maybe convince your peeps to cook some up on that!
    We have none in our fridge, so we cannot send you ours even if we wanted to...but we sure hope you don't shrivel up for lack of your bacon rations...

    Hmmm, MJF will have to find a tie to get dressed up...better get on it fast, cause, the petcretary is working that day...sigh...

    Pawlease tell your Momma to go to Catster if she can...Beepers had to go to the RB sad...
    His ID is:

    1. Oh no. My momma are gonna try to get on - she hasn't been able to in furever. She does know Beepers' peep on FB though, so we'll leave our message there too.

  5. So sweet of and Sydney! The orchid is beautiful.

    I hope your kitchen gets done real soon so your can has some bacon.

  6. How nice of Chewy to send such a lovely orchid in memory of Whitley.We hope those renos are done soon.
    You must be doing through bacon withdrawal by now!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  7. What a sweet gift from Chewy. That's a great company! We hope you kits and humans get through this home reno job safely and soon.

  8. No bacon, that just not acceptable. I think they could at least try to make bacon on the outdoor grill.

  9. That's so sweet from Chewy ! The orchids are beautiful. Purrs

  10. What? No bacon?
    Have a wonderful weekend anyway...

    Noodle and crew

  11. Hi kitties! Hope that remodeling project gets done soon, so you can get some bacon! Yum! We're missing Whitley too.

  12. bacon?? We hope that remodel gets done soon or else you guys are going to go through bacon withdrawal.

    How nice of Sydney to send flowers in Whitley's memory.

  13. You all look great. That was so sweet of Chewy to send a flower.

  14. That orchid is almost as beautiful as Whitley was. Almost! That is a cool idea to dress up for Whitley. We will have to check it out :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  15. We are really looking forward to dress up for Whitley day. We are still trying to find the pawfect outfits!
    ♥♥ Wyatt and Tegan

  16. UHOH.....that kitchen remuddlin is messin' with your bacon supply. Not good. You know I understand that! I'm so excited about the special dress up day for Whitley - and I know you miss her like crazy (I am sure she misses all of you too even though she's got her eye on you from the Bridge!). Happy Sunday......

    Love, Sammy

  17. remuddlin is awful...we know because we suffered through the Great Kitchen Disaster! That was really nice of the folks at Chewy.

    The Florida Furkids


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.