Cat Moms of the World Unite
Mother’s Day is tomorrow and we have a rallying cry: Cat Moms of the World Unite.
I’m a step-mom to two adult kids but my true mothering is to my cats. You’ve probably seen this cartoon make the rounds online over the years and it still cracks me up. We can relate because we are a real moms even if we don’t have two-legged kids.
From raising kittens to geriatric hospice care, the time, love, sacrifice not to mention the poop scooping, hand-feeding, hand-wringing 24/7. If you’ve done it, you know what I’m talking about. It’s the same devotion and love any mother provides without hesitation. Emergency vet visits, coddling and sleepless nights go unspoken but without the respect they deserve. If a human toddler kept you up with projectile vomiting, you could call in sick. But tell your boss your cat kept you up and he might not be as sympathetic. And heaven forbid, a child of any age dies, the mom receives a mountain of sympathy. If a cat dies, you’ll be expected back at work, business as usual, but the world is making small inroads and all the more reason for cat moms of the world unite!
Some companies are offering pet bereavement days.
Pet insurance company Trupanion gives employees one paid pet bereavement day. That’s a start but some go further. Mars, the Virginia-based candy and pet food maker offers one or more days off, flexible hours or freedom to work from home after a pet’s death. The pet-friendly Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants chain offer employee perks from pet insurance, bereavement leave in the event of a pet death, as well as on-site amenities for employee pets. Ben & Jerry’s doesn’t have an official policy, but said they would gladly give employees a “few days off for bereavement”. Does your place of employment offer pet bereavement days?
Cat moms like any other moms, deserve to be celebrated so we made some cards for sharing. We’re been loving Pinterest lately because we can easily Pin an image and share it to Twitter and Facebook in one step.
We even posted about cat moms at our other blog BoomerMuse (and some yummy recipes). Tell us how you’re celebrating Mother’s Day. I know ours will involve kitty cuddling.
P.S. Do you notice our new “ENLIGHTEN EMPOWER PURR” Cat Wisdom 101 tagline? We’re going to be helping you find your inner PURR more than ever!

Elaine Hutzelman
Your cards were so cute that I shared one with a group I have worked with for the past year called Tiger’s Justice Team. This is regarding the female vet who shot a neighbor’s cat in the head with a bow and arrow and posted it on Facebook. She continues to take the case higher and higher, so I just returned from a hearing in Austin, TX by the State Office of Admin. Hearings where 2 judges heard the case. We will not have a decision until the end of summer at the earliest, as the attorneys have some time to present their facts in writing, and then the judges have 60 days to make a ruling. My personal vet from Houston was the state’s witness for the case at this level. We have no idea if she will accept their findings or go to a higher court. This case is over a year old, but I bet some of your readers have been following this case, so you are welcome to share it
Layla Morgan Wilde
Elaine, send me a post if you like.
I love the cartoons. So true.
Maria WBC.
Loved this article. I’m a mother of 2 teens and a catmom to 2 felines. Each one of my children brings joy to me?
Happy Mother’s Day, Layla. I think all companies should offer time off for pets. I’m lucky and my boss is an animal lover with three rescued dogs. If I need a day, she totally understands.
Jeanne Foguth
Love this post! Hope you’re having a purrfect Mother’s Day.
Happy Cay Mom Day Layla! I hope the furry ones gave extra purrs and snuggles!
Cats of Wildcat Woods
Great post. Wishing you a wonderful Mothers Day!
Skeeter and Izzy
Mother isn’t just a word for someone that gives birth. Mother is a person that nurtures,corrects,teaches,protects, comforts,heals,limits, pushes,shelters and so many more things. Mother is a state of being, it has no limits on the kind of offspring that it applies to. I have not given birth to a single child yet I have a multitude of children both human and animal.
We think it is wonderful that others are starting to realize, understand and accept that we as pet parents suffer our losses as deeply as others suffer theirs.
Hpppy Mother’s Day to everyone that is in truth a Mother!!!!!
Luvs to all the “Mothers” out there,
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew
Brilliantly put. A gem of a comment on a brilliant post by Layla.
easy rider
Happy Mothers Day to you and hugs and kisses to all mom’s of this planet :O)
The Swiss Cats
We love your post, and your cards are adorable ! Happy Mother’s Day to you. Layla ! Purrs
Ellen Pilch
Those are all beautiful photos/graphics. Happy Mother’s Day!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Kendra!
caren gittleman
I absolutely loved this post! Kudos to Trupanion for offering bereavement days (they “get” it) and it doesn’t surprise me! Our pet insurance is from Trupanion and they are superb. Like you, I have two grown step kids and I “didn’t birth no babies” of my own. But….I have had MANY a sleepless night from sick pets! Happy Mother’s Day! xoxo
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Caren and happy cat mom to you
Happy Mother’s Day to you, Layla!
Pet bereavement days are important.
After brown-striped-tabby-witjh-emerald-eyes Emma Peel (1972-1992) RIP left, I was a basket case all week and lost 10 pounds from lack of appetite I couldn’t afford to lose.
Am going to FaceTime with my two boyz soon. Am in Seattle visiting my baby sister.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Love the idea of kitty Facetime!
Kitties Blue
Your cards are adorable. Our mom doesn’t have human children just us furry ones. We know how hard she works to take care of us. We are having a super special blog post on Mother’s Day. New tagline is TERRIFIC! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks kitties!
The Island Cats
Happy CatMom Day to you, Miss Layla!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks guys and same to your mom!
Happy Mother’s Day to everyone who nurtures a child, pet, classroom, congregation or garden! Happy Mother’s Day Layla.
Layla Morgan Wilde
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