January 6, 2022

Angel Gracie

In a blink of an eye 12 l/2 years have passed . . . 

15 January 2009 ~ 4 January 2022
Graphic by Zoolatry

. . . I found my folks one summer day when they had a big family picnic in their back yard I walked up and just pretended that these were my people. The rest was history. I adopted them and had such a wonderful life of being spoiled and loved. The only thing I would change is a little bit more time but that was not to be the case. I will love them forever and they will love me forever. We will be together again. 

Thank you to all my friends over the years.

December 25, 2021

Happy Holidays 2021


Holiday Cheers to you and your family.

July 28, 2021

Sawyer Is Home

Happy news!! Sawyer was found by his mom a couple of days ago. He has been home and resting up. Today we are celebrating his return by having a party today at the Tabby Cat Club Wednesday July 28 noon-? Everyone is invited to attend. Hope you stop by.


September 6, 2020

Run Free Sweet Allie

 It is with great sadness and a very heavy heart that my dear friend Allie from Fur Kids ran off to the bridge on Thursday. She left to be with her husband, Maurcio, from Cat On My Head; sister Ellie; and her dad, Bill.

You were my BFF and I will always treasure all the moments and fun times that we shared. 
I will always love and remember you.
Until we meet again dear friend.
Run Free


December 24, 2019

Happy Holidays

Wishing.you and your family a very Merry Christmas

I am over at the Tabby Cat Club reading Twas The Night Before Christmas. Please stop over to the club to hear this wonderful Christmas story. You might see some faces in the story you might recognize.

October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween

Bee sure to get lots of treats today and don't forget to play a few tricks on the folks.