The early days of spring does it to me all the time – I spend a little less time quilting and sewing and more time wandering around outside enjoying the plants.
I did quilt on Winter Wonderland and rolled it down – almost all of the embroidery area is showing now I think. I am linking to Forth Worth Fabric Studio today and Confessions of a Fabric Addict (I just found out I won a give away from Sarah – a rotary cutter I could use a new one) and Crazy Mom Quilts.

Melanie and I went out to get Chinese food last night & a little shopping as Mike was working late and we decided on a mother/daughter evening. We both spotted this wooden bowl at the same time and decided it was perfect for the dining room table – at half price the price was perfect – $15!! an amazing find. Placematts rolled up fit fine.

And I found a beautiful little cup and saucer – a “lady cup” Melanie referred to it as – perfect – I love little things like this. $5.00 – I’m such a big spender LOL

The three big Azalea bushes are blooming as you can see – these are actually the youngest of the azaleas at about 20 years old. They stand about 6 feet tall and at the widest probably double that!

From another view you can see how much bigger they are – and the other light pink color on the right side was originally grown in a pot and given to me one time when I was in the hospital from the guy that shared Mike’s office – back in 1988 – it was supposed to be a miniature – I knew if I tried to keep it in a pot it would die so I planted it outside next to the white bush – it stayed small for a very long time – then all of a sudden it grew and grew. The little white bush on the right side near the ground is an off shoot from the bigger white bush. Of course the flowers only last a couple weeks then the bushes will look nasty while the flowers dry up and fall off – but I will enjoy them for now!!

The strawberry plants needed watering and they are getting blossoms!

Craftsy is having another supply sale so if you missed the one last month you have another chance. Craft project kits and supplies from your favorite brands and designers are discounted to at least 40% – time to stock up.
I’ve got my eye on this kit Moda Wool and Needle III Murrieta Stars Quilt – should I or shouldn’t I? Designed by Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings. Flannel almost 14 yards of fabric in this and a paper pattern not a pdf – marked down from $241.00 to $121.00 finishes at 84×96 – I love stars! have never made a flannel quilt – should I – I am so tempted! Click on the photo if you want to see the details.
(I am compensated for purchases made through my links)
Definitely love your purchases – both of them! I am finally back on my computer a week after my eye surgery. It was a long week spent in my special chair to keep my head in the proper position – 50 minutes down and 10 minutes up. Everything was a challenge, including eating!!! I am now upright but still cannot sleep on my back – side only. Now I wait for the gas bubble to dissolve and my vision to return – could take up to several months I was told!!
I still do not know how you could start your sewing so quickly after your surgery!!
That bowl was a beautiful bargain indeed and I hope you hold your little finger out when you sip from your ‘lady cup’, The azaleas are breathtaking!
I don’t know if flannel is easy to quilt or not…can’t help there 🙂
I have been looking at that quilt kit too for the longest time. The price is definitely right. The colors are so pretty and being flannel would make it nice and cozy for the winter. I have never sewn with flannel either.
Wow! That wooden bowl was a great deal! And your azaleas! They’re beautiful! It’s still freezing up here LOL {whine}{whine}LOL
I love that bowl! And what a bargain! I would love to make a flannel quilt one of these days. And I love the one you’re contemplating. Just a not of curation: I would definitely pre wash because every time I’ve worked with flannel, it shrinks a lot. You probably already know that, but just in case …
Great shopping finds!! Love the bowl…it is perfect for your table! And the “lady cup” is really pretty…I know you enjoy hot tea, just as I do.
You are coming right along on quilting Winter Wonderland!
Beautiful azaleas! Ours are beginning to bloom, although the ones that usually bloom together aren’t together this year. We have had a couple of really cold nights here in Virginia, with another one forecast for tomorrow night, so we are happy to see the blooms still thriving….
Love that pattern for the star quilt…..I really like the Ohio star quilt block, and this one is amazing….I don’t use a lot of yellow in my quilts, and I am not usually drawn to quilts that have a big yellow component, but this one really grabs my attention!! And the price is great!! Let us know if you get it!!!
Karen ! me encantan estos cuencos de madera y las tazas de época
las flores preciosas aquí aun no brota nada, hoy tenemos muchísimo frió,
esperamos nieve mañana
buen fin de semana
Those azaleas are gorgeous! You are so lucky. Growing up in Maryland, there was an area near a dam that we went to on a Sunday drive nearly every spring. The crowds there were all looking at the hillsides of azaleas. We have them here, too, but they don’t get very big and sometimes the frost kills the flowers before they really bloom. The rhododendrons do much better.
I love that gold quilt with the stars! You could simply try to make the same quilt using cotton rather than flannel. I have hand quilted a flannel quilt but it was tough on the wrists. Even a flannel back is hard for me to hand quilt, so the last one I made, I sent out to be quilted. It is so cozy!
That bowl is awesome….glad you snatched it!!!! The quilt is gorgeous (as is everything that Lisa does/has!!!)!!!! Definitely a great $$$ as flannel is out-of-sight for price!!!!
The azaleas down here are breathtaking, also. The ones for the northern climes seem to struggle a bit with the up/down temps that we have.
I LOVE that bowl! Also the gorgeous flowers, we have snow here again…sigh. The mustard color of that flannel quilt just sings. I made a quilt for my son out of needle and wool flannel from primitive gatherings and he loves it. I can’t help you on the quilting as mine was machine quilted.
I vote yes! It’s still less money than you encouraged me to spend during the last sale. ? Seriously, that seems a really good price for a top that big.