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Spring has ((finally)) sprung!

Deciduous magnolia

My favorite camelia

Another camelia

Lenten rose (helleborus)

Lenten rose (helleborus)

It's Tuesday somewhere, and that means it's time to join in with this week's Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) photo linkup party! And to be sure you won't miss upcoming parties, follow image-in-ing through Google +, Google Friend Connect, or by email - the links can be found on the sidebar.

If you host a weekly photo party and would like to have your linkup listed on the blogroll, drop me a line! And be sure to check out the blogroll - there are lots of really great photographers who'd love to have  you stop by their parties, too.

Have a great week!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Hey, girl, found your blog and am now following you. So happy you left a comment on Living Life On Main Street so I could connect with you. See you around.

  2. such beauty in spring :-) - happy week !!!

  3. Wow, you have really spring now!
    Your photos are beautiful. Thanks for visit and invitation.
    Have a blessed Easter wqeek

  4. Wonderful series of blossoms; Spring arrived and your flowers are so gorgeous! Love the camellia and magnolia. I've never seen before such delicate blooms of lenten rose. So stunning! Have a great week ahead and a Happy Spring!

  5. Beautiful flowers! Spring is still shy in my neck of the woods, can't wait for everything to bloom. Have a great week and thanks for hosting!

  6. Those camelas are beautiful. Will be in Spain the next two weeks and look forward to seeing Spring, we don't really have a traditional spring in SA.

  7. My goodness what beautiful blossoms. The camellias were blooming in France when we were there! Wishing you well!

  8. Oh wow! Those are so gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Beautiful blooms. I've got a new Magnolia tree for this spring and I'm hoping to see some gorgeous flowers soon.
    Thanks for sharing and hosting.

  10. Marvelous flowers. I would also like to invite you to link up with Today's Flowers. Your photos would be very much enjoyed. Thank you for thinking about it. The link is here:

  11. Beautiful blooms Spring here at last :-)

    Have a springtastic week :-)

  12. Hi there, I'm back to thank you so much for linking up with Today's Flowers. So appreciative! :)

  13. Its so lovely to see spring blooms!

  14. Hi! Many beautiful spring flowers! I like the magnolia photo very much. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Beautiful spring flowers, Sue! We have had some warm days and others days with snow. Spring is a strange season here in Colorado

  16. We didn't have a harsh winter in Los Angeles (we did have some rain)but I am happy about the arrival of spring. Flowers have been everywhere for the past couple of weeks. Last weekend I went to the desert and the wildflower show was amazing. Looking forward to more flowers and color.

  17. The flowers have sprung, and the season has arrived. Except it snowed last night in CT...but melted today in the Spring sun. It is warmer in the mid-Atlantic, but 65° on Wednesday give me hope at least :)

  18. Such coincident! I am featuring flowers this week too but they are edible fondants!

  19. Gorgeous blooms. Lovely hues. Great clicks. Happy Spring!

  20. Those are some beautiful flowers. I love the colors.

  21. Gorgeous flowers! I'll link in my post too! :)

  22. ah spring! surely the most wonderful time of year wherever you are! enjoy!

  23. wow!Beautiful flower captures.It is good to hear finally it is spring!

  24. Beautiful flowers and nice colours. The second is my favourite.

  25. It's Autumn here and my camellias are just about to bloom too!

  26. Spring is filled with outdoor sights, sounds, and opportunities. Although we did not have a severe winter, I still look forward to the promise of all things new that comes with spring. Very nice set of images.

  27. I was just contemplating planting some hellebores in one of my flowerbeds, and I think your lovely photos have made me decide to do so!

  28. Hurray! I'm so happy it's spring. Beautiful blooms.

  29. The wonder of nature to provide such beautiful flowers!!!

  30. Your photos are beautiful! Happy spring. Thanks for hosting.

  31. Lovely photos! Flowers are one of my fave photo subject and I cant wait for them to bloom so that I can take more photos =)

  32. Gorgeous blooms! I'm so ready for the snow and ice to be gone.

  33. How lovely! I wish Camellias would grow here.

  34. So lovely! Wish I had time to go take photos of all the beaautiful spring flowers, but so much to do before morning comes. have a great week!

  35. Yay to spring!! And happy Easter weekend!

  36. Great photos and neat antique colors! I always enjoy flower photography. Thanks for hosting!

  37. Yes it has, the magnolias just started blooming here too!

  38. Lovely flowers! Hooray for spring!

  39. Beautiful photos here Sue, the lenten roses are gorgeous. - Tasha

  40. Beautiful flowers and great shots!
    Have a good day and happy ww!
    Thanks for hosting, Sue!

    Best, Joana

  41. Spring has finally sprung indeed...amazing

  42. lovely spring indeed. I can't wait for it

  43. Beautiful! I love the 4th from the top especially, looks like purple and white silk :)

  44. Sue, I love all the shades of purple, especially the magnolia! I snapped some photos of magnolia blooms the week before. What a coincidence! Thanks for hosting the WW fun. :D

  45. Oh I can't wait for the flowers to bloom up here, right now we are firmly under the clouds and gloom!

  46. As you love flowers we'd like to share one of the most beautiful flower gardens we've visited

  47. Lovely shots! Happy Easter!
    Many thanks for participating in the Floral Friday Fotos meme.

  48. You have Spring.... so fun. We are right behind you and I am ready.

    Lisa @ LTTL

  49. Love the white and pink camelia! Beautiful!

  50. So overjoyed to be hosted, my new friend, and mesmerized by your photographs, I wish you a blessed remainder of your week, and thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog !


  51. It's Autumn where I live so my post is the total opposite to yours. Lovely Spring blooms!

  52. Hasn't quite sprung here yet -- winter mix of rain/sleet/snow today. YUCK!

  53. Thanks for the lovely comments on my latest post Sue! - Tasha

  54. Oh yay! We had some lovely weather today and I Was able to work outside in the gardens.

  55. Glorious Spring for you! Lovely close ups of what nature does so well. We are in Autumn here in Australia and with the changing light my pics are of the river which is nearby. Happy Spring Sue! Denyse

  56. Your flowers are lovely especially the Lenten rose (helleborus). Sorry we are late getting by.

  57. So beautiful and very Easter ... but, we have snow and ice on the ground again. Hard to feel like Spring with this weather. Enjoy and Happy Easter :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  58. Beautiful spring!! Lucky you. I still got ice and snow and I think it will be a long time before I see my garden growing.

  59. Spring was close here, then we had an ice storm. Beautiful flowers, can't wait to see some again!

  60. I would love to fill my garden with Magnolias, Camelias and Hellibores one of these days....all beautiful specimens! Thanks for sharing with Fun Friday Favourites.

  61. What beautiful flowers! We have hellebores out in our garden - they survived the late snow storm. We're too far north to grow camellias though. Thanks for hosting the link up.

  62. What beautiful spring flowers !!
    Happy Easter !!

  63. It's lovely to finally see so much colour about in nature.

  64. Lovely Blooms,Happy Easter Monday,xx Speedy

  65. Lovely spring flowers, Sue! Magnolia is my favourite ... Among so many beautiful flowers it has a special form and glow!
    Thank you for hosting this creative fellowship,
    Have a great week ahead.
    Nina xx

  66. These are all so lovely, especially partial to the Lenten Rose.

  67. Lovely!
    Thanks for taking part in the Floral Fridays Foto meme.

  68. A lovely selection of flowers. Hurray for spring!

  69. Wonderful blooms... Fantastic Springtime.


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Please stop by every Tuesday and share your favorite photos! The link stays open all week.