Friday, March 25, 2016

Friday Finish: Rosette 3

While this quilt is by no means finished, and won't be for awhile, each time I finish a rosette, it is a major accomplishment!

This is Rosette 3 (out of 12) from the New Hexagon Millefiore Quiltalong, all rosettes designed by Katja Marek. I have found a renewed interest in working on this, and hope to complete it by the end of 2016.

I'm using only fabric designed by Denyse Schmidt. And this rosette measures 38 inches from side to side.
I'm linking up today with Crazy Mom Quilts, TGIFF, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and Fort Worth Fabric Studio.

Hope your weekend is a good one.


05 08
Kaelyn Angelfoot said... # 1

Congrats on a rosette finish! I have always admired millefiori quilts but have very little patience for EPP. I live vicariously through others.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said... # 3

I really like the colours in this rosette. I only do a little bit of EPP, but can't image making something this size. Good luck with your WIP and hope you finish it in 2016 as you plan. Thanks for linking up with TGIFF hosted @ Anja Quilts.

Lucy | Charm About You said... # 5

Absolutely stunning Cindy! A project like this deserves such special fabric :)

Curly said... # 7

Second one of this type I have seen today. I think it is a sign I should try it. Yours is lovely.

Mama Pea said... # 9

I love it. I need to get back into mine. Keep up the good work! You are ahead of me!

Anne / Springleaf Studios said... # 11

Yeah for another rosette. I love all rosettes I see out there. If I had a quilty bucket list this would be high on the list. What thread do you use to sew the pieces together?

Sylvia said... # 13

I like the rosette, you have pieced well! Love the color scheme. I am curious though as to why you feel the need to limit your fabric palette choices to only one designer? I match the fabric to the project, it doesn't matter who his parents are.

Jayne said... # 15

This is going to be amazing when it's finished! EPP isn't the fastest method of quilting, but I find it relaxing and rewarding. I have yet to find another small EPP project for my nightly routine. I like to keep my hands busy!

Archie The Wonder Dog said... # 17


OPQuilt said... # 19

Fun choice of fabrics--I find that the hardest thing, and you did it so successfully!

Laura B said... # 21

So pretty! I love the colors/fabrics you chose!

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