The Next Step

I said I was going to put the Williamsburg Beauty aside to decide on the Next Step but Wednesday while I was quilting I was thinking about it – I suddenly remembered a pattern that is hanging off of my ruler rack and a light bulb went off.

Some of you are familiar with Kim McLean’s “Flower Basket Medallion” I’m sure – but have you ever seen it in a colorway that is not bold and flashy as she did it?  I happened to run across one on pinterest one time last year and I printed it off and put it with the pattern to remind myself that it didn’t have to be bold if you didn’t want it that way.  The person that made the brown color version took her own color scheme and made a few changes to the pattern here and there and it looks quite a bit different.  I already have my center medallion with a total different look but this might be what I need to finish it.


I might put one more narrow light beige border down before I add these blocks to set them off a little more.


I made up a couple blocks to try it out and I like it – this is just pinned to a couple back ground squares – mine would be scrappy – each corner a different fabric to keep with the scrappy theme – I made two in the same color as I thought that would be good to have two of each color scheme.  I might cut the blocks down just a little bit – right now they are six inches (the square with the applique not counting those corners) – they don’t have to be that large – I will see after I get the applique done.  EDITED @ 10:38 AM: I just read the instructions – yes I don’t always do that first LOL, the blocks are finished size 4.25 so I will be cutting them down, I thought they looked a little big.   All the applique is glue basted in place and I can sit and applique when I want to.  When I get done with this border I will see if I still want to continue using the rest of the pattern – I should as I have had this pattern for several years now – maybe going on 3 or 4 and never touched it.  I am linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict today and Fort Worth Fabric Studio and Crazy Mom Quilts.


The azalea’s are beginning to open


I’m disappointed with the Bleeding Hearts though- very few flowers and only one of the plants came up this year – maybe the other is a little slow and maybe this one will get more flowers still?


I planted some cabbage awhile back – they have stayed pretty much the same size wonder if they will take off, the weather is so unreliable.  There is some spinach in the next half of the bed and it hasn’t done much either.


I have 3 areas of these strawberries they are staying pretty small too – maybe next month they will take off


Craftsy is saying a sweet farewell to National Craft Month by offering you the chance to get any online class for $19.99! Check out all the classes on sale before the offer ends on Monday.


(I am compensated for any purchases made through my links)

5 comments… add one
  • Gretchen Mar 25, 2016 @ 5:26

    I have that pattern too, it is nice to see made in a different colorway. Our daffodils are just starting to open, I planted early potatoes, onions, spinach and lettuce on Monday. Your weather is way ahead of ours, I’m still wearing long johns! I’m really glad your eye has healed. Blessings, Gretchen

  • Marianne Mar 25, 2016 @ 6:24

    Those blocks look great and will be just right!

  • Deb Mar 25, 2016 @ 6:35

    I bought that pattern after seeing the brownish version! 🙂 did the basket and have yet to get back to it in regards to the leaves etc for the center but I always thought that border idea could be used in any quilt ; how fun that you are doing so! 🙂

  • audrey Mar 25, 2016 @ 15:01

    Your blocks will be a lovely addition! Sometimes a more subdued quilt is much more satisfying.:)

  • LisaS Mar 25, 2016 @ 17:41

    Great idea for the next border!

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