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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Needle and Thread Thursday!

Happy NTT, y'all!  Over the weekend, I finished up my Mardi Gras quilt, and planned to get started on a baby quilt for a friend next.  Well, sometimes the best laid plans get thrown out the window.  The nursery is decorated in shades of slate blue and gray, and has a modern woodland theme going on.  My friend actually asked specifically for fabrics with bears and/or deer in it.  She even had these two fabrics in mind if I could find them.

The first is called Bear Hike by Birch Organics, and the second is called Buck Forest, from the Hello Bear collection.  I finally found them from the same shop to save on shipping (in the right colors), and they just arrived today!  Waiting for a specific fabric to arrive in the mail is torture when you're trying to stay on a schedule, not to mention when you're working up to a holiday.  Anyway, now that I have everything I need, I love the fabric pull for this baby quilt.  It's going to be so sweet.

In the meantime, flexibility is the name of the game.  I decided to go ahead and knock out the next quilt on my to-do list, a camouflage quilt for a friend's son, who is an avid outdoorsman.  From cutting to binding, this quilt went together in just a couple of days (with a couple of late nights), and I'm delivering it to her tomorrow!

If it looks familiar, it's because she saw a photo of this quilt I made for my brother in law a couple of years ago and fell in love with it.  There are just a couple of differences between the two quilts.  First, I found a fabric that has a marble print in shades of brown, and decided to use that for the square frames, rather than solid Kona Chocolate.  I also chose to make a scrappy binding on this one.  I think both of these choices add some depth and texture to the quilt.  The backing is solid Mossy Oak camouflage, and I quilted it with chocolate brown thread.  This finished quilt measures 60" x 60," and I think it will be just perfect for taking along on a camping or hunting trip!

Without further ado, check out a few highlights from last week's party that really caught my eye (it was especially tough to pick this week).  Judy from Sew Some Sunshine linked up this ultra-modern hexagon quilt.  So unique!

Valerie from re-engineered shared her Clovers and Jam quilt, and I love the earthy colors in this one!

and finally, Greta from Material Detachment showed off her finished Pickle Dish quilt.  I absolutely adore this pattern, and the orange and green combo is so much fun!

Okie dokie, friends!  It's time to link up your latest masterpieces, or masterpieces-in-progress!  I can't wait to see what you're sewing these days!

Oh, and one more thing- NTT will be taking a break next week for Thanksgiving, but will return on December 2nd.  I hope all of you in the US have a wonderful holiday filled with family, food, and fun!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. I love those fabrics for your friend with the deer and bears. I love the hello bear collection but love those added colors you have. I'm looking forward to seeing what you are going to make.

  2. That will be one adorable baby quilt. Love those fabrics. I've used the deer in a baby quilt and the recipient loved it! Well his parents did anyway ; )

  3. Those are gorgeous fabrics! Thanks for hosting the link up!

  4. Lovely colors and fabrics for the baby quilt! There are always so many pretty quilts at this link up. I don't know how you choose which one to feature! :)

  5. They're gorgeous woodland fabrics and will make a lovely quilt - you still managed to be really busy while waiting for them to arrive! Love the quilts you chose this week too :)

  6. Those are great fabric choices for the baby quilt. Love the camo quilt.

  7. Love the camo quilt! Might have to make one.


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