Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wild and Goosey

The last two weeks have been challenging for our whole family.  Thank goodness for mindless sewing! This morning I got Wild and Goosey put together.

This is a big scrap quilt ( 91"x 91") with lots of little pieces.  I started it back in December of last year.  

Every bit of the fabric came from my stash, a lot of it came from bags I call my scrap trash:  scraps that are too small and ugly to bother sorting.  There is a piece of a maternity dress I made 26 years ago, scraps from the bandanas my dogs got at the groomers, scraps given to me by my mother and a quilting friend.  I estimate 6.5 yards of scraps are in this quilt.


memmens said...

Laura this is stunning! There are some great memories in this quilt, I hope working on it helps you through this difficult time.

Gale Bulkley said...

For ugly bits of fabric, this sure is beautiful. And those pieces MUST be miniscule. Are those 7" blocks?

Julie said...

I do believe mindless sewing is the best meditation. This quilt top is gorgeous--in my colors! I love them all. I, too, appreciate mixing my materials to include special memory fabrics, and will pick them out by sight as soon as I open a quilt up. Keep going, keep sewing, and I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Ann said...

Really, really lovely! Soooo much trimming! Gorgeous!

Julierose said...

this is an amazing quilt--love how bright and cheery it is...beautiful work!! hugs, Julierose

Unknown said...

From trash to treasure... this is just gorgeous. The true spirit of quilting. Thank you for sharing. :)

Kat said...

Gorgeous! I love a good scrap quilt and this is just awesome. Kat @

Sheila said...

Awesome! I love scrap quilts and I LOVE this one!

Sandra said...

Congratulations on an amazing finish!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Looks great! Bonnie is coming (again) to our guild next May. I signed up for her Tulip quilt. I've never finished the last quilt, from when she came in 2012.

FVITH said...

Wow! I'm amazed that you still have scraps left after this quilt :) It looks great.