As I tackle my Bonnie Hunter UFO Challenge, I ponder this day. Gosh, could it be 5 years ago that I started this wonderful journey? The friends made, discoveries of the wide web of quilters, challenges, Blog Hops, Swaps, and all the patterns/tutorials so freely shared.
AND boy have I talked - this is my 1000 post!!

I've partnered up with my dear friend Kris @ Lavender Quilts again. I noticed she has a large selection of Jelly Rolls in her Etsy Shop (she's on retreat right now but back on Saturday). So in honor of this occassion I am giving away two Jelly Rolls of your choice (I pay shipping) - one for my USA followers and one for my Out of States followers.
Simply leave a comment by Friday, Oct 23rd (9pm est) and be sure I have a way of contacting you.
Hope you all have a wonderful day,
Sewingly Yours,
Happy Blogaversary! Think of all the quilting you have inspired. We all have a lot to celebrate. Thank you. Here's to the next five years, and then some. :)
Congratulations on your 1000th post! My blogiversary was back in August, but I missed it! LOL
Congratulations! Thanks for all the great inspiration.
Congratulations! We love what you have shared!
Here's to many more years. I'm always impressed with the amount of projects you get done and your generosity from sharing patterns to hosting giveaways and donating quilts and blocks to charity. Thanks.
1000 posts?? That's a LOT of words! Congratulations!!!
And, I love your Bonnie Hunter leader and ender -- it's turning out fabulous.
I do love jelly rolls but even more would love winning. Xo
Congrats! A jelly roll giveaway sounds yummy! Thanks! akronne17(at)gmail(dot)com
Congrats! Love that luscious lozenge quilt you are working on.
Happy blogiversary. I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks.
Hey, congratulations!
Congratulations Sharon! Good luck on your BH challenge too, it's amazing allthe friends created through blogging and glad to be one of your followers.
Happy Blogiversary! I always look forward to seeing what you're up to and am so happy you are a quilty blogger!
I'm a Canadian reader :)
Happy Blogiversary!!
Happy Blogaverary! I feel like I have "known you" longer than 5 years!! You have been a big help to me as I was learning to quilt! Thank you for all your sharing and wisdom :)
happy blogaversary. love your inspiration and have modeled many a project after what I saw online.
Congratulations! May you have many more happy bloggy-years. Thank you for offering this giveaway, its very kind of you.
Happy Blogiversary Sharon! Glad that your kitty Moe is home too!
Blog on, friend! Congratulations!
Happy Blogaversary Sharon! Great job, 5 years! Hugs from France!
Congratulations on your blog anniversary!
Your Bonnie Hunter UFO is looking terrific.
Congratulations on your blog anniversary!
Your Bonnie Hunter UFO is looking terrific.
Yea for you on your anniversary! So glad to have found you early on and gotten to share all your events and quilts. You have been a marvelous support to me and I say quilt on...thanks!
Some great blogging years!! I always find your posts informative and interesting.
Wow...1000 posts! Love your blog and look forward to the next 10000 posts!
Happy blogiversary! I really like your UFO quilt. Happy stitchin'!
We've been on our journeys about the same amount of time, and you've made mine so much more interesting with your blog!
Congratulations!! Have fun stitching your UFO.
Seems I am always a day late and a dollar short but I wish you a happy blogaversary anyway! It's amazing the friends and connections we can make in "the cloud"!!!!
Congratulations on this milestone. I always appreciate your comments on my blog. I count you as one of my online friends.
Happy 1000th, Sharon! I LOVE your scrappy goodness that you post all of the time. We quilt along together with QA's often. You've come so far in five years! Thanks for the chance to win. Shahann at yahoo dot com.
Congratulations on your 1000th post, Sharon. I always enjoy reading what you are up to. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Christine xx
Happy Blogaversary! And congrats on your 1000th post. You and I started blogging just a few weeks apart from each other. In a lot of ways it seems like just yesterday doesn't it?
Congratulations on your 1,000th post and Happy Blogiversary! I haven't seen a Bonnie Hunter quilt I didn't like. Scrap quilts have so many stories in them. Too bad they can't talk. Thank you for the chance to win.
Congratulations, 5 years and 1000 posts is huge. Keep it up, we all enjoy seeing what you're up to.
Congrats on five years of fun!!
1000 post is a milestone for sure and it being 5 years just makes it that much more special. As long as you post I'll be reading. Rina
Happy happy blogaversary, Sharon!! You have made quite an impact on the blogiverse in your five years - keep up the good work!!!
I enjoy your blog. Thanks for the inspiration you share with me. Congratulations.
Happy Blogiversary!!!! Thank you for all the sharing & inspiring you have done! We are soooo Appreciative!!! You are a Special Blessing!!!
Happy Blogiversary!!I enjoy seeing all your scrappy projects. I am slowing getting scraps cut for two of Bonnie's good to be using up some of those bits and pieces.
Congrats on 5 years! I always enjoy seeing your many projects and I am inspired by your generous spirit. Here's to many more posts!
Happy blogiversary! I only found you last spring, but I've really enjoyed watching your quilts grow.
Congratulations on your milestone. I really enjoy your sharing and wisdom.
Happy happy blogiversary....time flies when you're having fun quilting! Congrats and looking forward to many more milestones!
slbook3 at aol dot com
Oh My Goodness! Five years. Has it been that long! You've taught me so much. Sewing tips, inspiration, guidance, encouragement. Crock pot cooking ideas! Thank you so much dear friend. Please blog on.
Congratulations! I love those numbers, 5 years, 1 000 posts! I'm not sure having reed every post but I follow you since a long time ago now and enjoy reading you!
Have a geat day, celebrate! With Champagne of course, my living area in France!
Happy blogaversary Sharon! Thanks for sharing so much over the years. And thanks for the nice giveaway too.
Congratulations. I love your blog. It is one of my favourites. I can't wait to see more in the years to come.
Congrats on this milestone. The blogging world and all it has to give is truly a wonderful gift.
Congratulations on 5 years of blogging. I love reading your posts and also find you often point me in the direction of blog hops and sew alongs I've missed. Looking forward to many more posts to read.
1000 posts, WOW. I have been following you at least since I came across your blog through RSC. Love your quilt you are working on.
Not sure my contact details show from my post. julieclarke01 at bigpond dot com dot au
How generous of you to offer a giveaway for your blogaversary. I've enjoyed reading your posts over the last 5 years.
What a marvelous milestone to reach. You have made an impact. I figure you don't sleep. It was so great to meet you a couple of years ago. Look forward to reading many more of your posts. Joanne
So many wonderful comments here Sharon. CONGRATS!!!! Five!! I'm so glad we have met and enjoy our visits and correcspondences. Thanks for the chance to win a jelly roll...they are always fun to play with!! :)
Congratulations on your 1000th post! Thanks for all the great posts you have shared.
Well, Ms Sharon, I will try this again. I did a post the 16th. However for some reason it did not post..
I read your blog everyday, just to check to see what you are doing for the day.
Your blog is a very interesting one.. Seems you have a purpose.
Thanks for the 5 years of fun.!! And your giving of yourself to so many.
And who knows maybe I will stand a chance at the Jelly Roll.
Congratulations. I still have a few more months (and only a fraction of the number of posts you have).
Oh, congratulations! A monumental blogaversary, for sure! Look forward to the next five years!
Happy anniversary! 1000 posts is an amazing feat. I haven't been a follower for that long, but I've enjoyed reading your blog, and I've been inspired by many of your projects.
Hubby and I have through your neck of the woods a few times - we live in s.w. Ontario and have friends near Albany, so we've traveled your way a time or two...
I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store for the next 1000 posts!
Congratulations on 1000 posts and five years, Sharon! I've enjoyed your 'talking'. :):) I've got you in my blog reader, so I never miss a thing.
Congratulations, Sharon and I am so happy to be counted among your friends on this wonderful journey!! And a 1000 posts!! Yiks!! I always love visiting your blog!!
Wow! Five years of very interesting blogging! You've done well, my dear. I woul dlove to celebrate with one of the jelly rolls. If I don't win, I'll celebrate your blogiversary anyway!
Congrats, Sharon. Five years of chit chat and quilts and cats....along with other life adventures. It's always good to read what you've got to say. Here's to another great blog year ahead. And thank you for a chance to win a jelly roll.
Congratulations on 1,000 posts. I have enjoyed visiting your blog and want you to know that you are an inspiration, keep at it.
Kris & I have me before - we live about one hour apart - if I win your giveaway I could save you the shipping and drive to her house to claim my prize! LOL Congrats on your milestone!
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