Scylla Sunday ~ The Yoga Kittens Have to Go, Cause I Said So

I smell KITTENS in MY Hummingbird Cottage. The BAD Mommy brought them down here to play. They are suppose to be FOSTER Kittens, they are suppose to be gone by now, but NO! now everybody wants them to stay, even MY Friends in Blogville.

I hiss and growl to let everyone know The Yoga Kittens have to Go, Cause I said SO!!!! But no one pays attention to me, least of all the kittens. MOM, THEY ARE LOOKING AT ME AGAIN!!!!! MAKE THEM STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!!!!!

Socks says they are polite and don't bother him at all. Fenris says he doesn't know why I don't like them cause they hiss at him just like I do. Well sometimes they don't hiss at him, sometimes they actually touch his nose! And Tuiren thinks they are very entertaining.

I'll just sit in my flower pot, I am pretty sure they can't look at me when I am in it.

Mom!!!! I think my flower pot shrank!!!!!!! (MOM: Scylla the flower has gotten bigger since last year). Well you needs to do something, I don't fit anymore.

Really not only do I have to put up with the Yoga Kittens I have to put up with flowers that HOG my flower pot.

Now where was I in my rant. Oh Daddy laughs at the kittens and lets them sit in his lap. Youngest boy plays with them and Mommy carts them around with HER!!!! And some of my blog friends have even said they want them to stay, cause they are CUTE!!!!!

Really!!!!! don't you thinks I am cuter? And look I took a SELFIE for Sunday Selfie.

Who needs kittens when they have ME??????

Scylla, the lovebug hissing, growling and meowing for ATCAD


Summer said...

Scylla, I am sorry you don't like the babies. I hate to tell you, but I kind of like them too!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Oh the injustice. I think you need a bigger pot and your own bag of treats to make up for it all

Anonymous said...

No kitties are cuter than you, S. If the kittens stay, it will only be to worship you and learn from you.

Love and licks,

NCSue said...

Look at is as an opportunity to pass your wisdom and skill to a younger (and lesser) generation. They will learn to worship you in time.

Katie Isabella said...

It's early in the morning but I had to come and say that I LOVE this blog! And your plaintive rant is well heard right here. Things WILL get better and by the way, um..I can't get into my girl cave any more as the door shrank! .

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Don't you just hate it when doors shrink, really there outta be a law against things shrinking.

Fozziemum said...

Oh are adorable and cute and i am sure those yoga kitties are very impressed with your beautious self..and yes sometimes pots shrink...and even catbeds and other stuff :) lovely selfie...loves Fozziemum xxx

Millie and Walter said...

Scylla you still are the most beautiful kittie in your home. We sure hope you can learn to love the Yoga kittens like everyone else has.

The Swiss Cats said...

Poor Scylla ! It looks like pots shrink for you like jeans for Mum.... We think those kittens have a lot to learn from you. Purrs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Silly Scylla, don't you understand that they keep looking at you because they are hoping that one day they will be as cute as you. They ARE cute now, but you are the cutest of all:)

Woos - Ciara and Lightning


Happy Sunday #selfie
Annabelle,Boo,Ping & Mr Jinx

Terri said...

That's the look of adoration, Scylla! Humans that love cats tend to accumulate more. They just can't help themselves :(

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Aww... Scylla, no need to be jealous of the kittens. You are adorable too!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Patricia said...

Don't worry about the kittens. They will grow up and be cats that you can ignore.

CATachresis said...

Never mind Scylla, some of us kitties (especially Tuxies) are more discerning. I think you are very cute! ;)

Shadow said...

Oh Scully, I am sorry you must deal with those troublesome yoga kittens and the shrinking pot all at the same time. A cat's life if a rough one.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely selfie Scylla. It is annoying when a comfy pot shrinks.
A strange thing. I was sure I had you in my reader but I haven't seen any posts in ages apart from on the selfie blog hop. I got mum to check and you are in Feedly but the last notification they gave us was 254 days ago. She is going to remove you and add you again and hope it works.

Photo Cache said...

Nice to meet you Scylla, we're visiting from Sunday Selfie!

Emma and Buster

Deziz World said...

Aaaaaaaw Scylla how kuld they?! Dat's just outrageous. Those kittens be takin' over yous home. Is nuffin' sacwed anymore? MOL Luv yous fotos.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

The Island Cats said...

Oh Scylla! We feel for you. Maybe over time you'll learn to like those kittens.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Scylla we are sorry those kittens are invading your space.

pilch92 said...

You are having a rough day-sorry.

Anonymous said...

No kitties are comparable to you, Scylla :) Pawkisses :) <3

Kitties Blue said...

Scylla, we are so happy to have you hopping along with us. We are sorry those yoga kittens are giving you a bad time. They're pretty darn cute, though. Good luck with getting them to move on. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo