Monday, September 28, 2015

Silly Sunday Selfies - Pixel's Pre-Grooming Selfie Extravaganza

Before getting groomed today by Mommy, I nabbed her cell phone and snapped a few serious yet silly selfies of me looking like Wolverine's little sister. Or am I Chewbacca's twin sister? I lost track.

So which overly hairy Pixel selfie was your favorite? I'll be doing a blog post about my big grooming event soon, but in the meantime check out all my fellow pet bloggers below and see their awesome Sunday Selfies for today. 


  1. We couldn't pick a favorite as you are too super adorable if every photo. Mom says that she is a bit partial to the last one. And you do NOT look like either of the critters you described. Mom wanted us to tell you that she posted her quote challenge today (Monday). Thanks for hopping along with us. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

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    1. Awe, Kitties Blue, thank you so much my friend. Mommy loves the last one the best too, the way I am looking at the camera sort of sideways. It took me holding the camera with both paws to get that one.
      I can't wait to read your quote challenge!
      XO, Pixel

  2. You look good in all your selfies. I wouldn't even know you needed to go to the groomer.

    Reply Delete
    1. Thank you Emma! I sort of hid the woolly mammoth parts of me well. ;)

  3. You are SOooooo photogenic ! You are a camera ham just like me. We love your pictures here

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    1. Awe, you make me blush MJ! Thank you. I do love taking photos, just like you my friend. :)

  4. Cutest fuzzy little doggie I know, Pixel. Simply adorable! :o)

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  5. Pixel I couldn't pick one so I choose all of them cause you are so adorable and have such a cute smile and beautiful eyes.

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  6. Oh, Pixel, I hate to disappoint you, but those aren't silly selfies - they're pretty selfies! I love them all but if I have to pick one, I pick the third one because it shows off those beautiful eyes the best. <3

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I'd love to know what you think friends. Leave me a note & I'll send you a pumpkin kiss!