A few months ago I shared some information with a friend about peppermint oil that I heard while listening to the Essential Oil Summit. In one of the talks I learned that peppermint oil can help with weight loss. My friend gave it a try and reported back to me a few months later that she wasn’t sure if it was helping with weight loss, but that it had healed her acid reflux disease. I was so excited for her because I knew she had suffered for years from acid reflux and had tried so many remedies without too much success. Sometimes one remedy works better for one person than the other, and sometimes a remedy that we have been using will stop being as effective, so I like to try a variety of remedies, or switch it up every now and then. Our bodies at times just need a break from taking the exact same thing.
How My Friend Healed Acid Reflux Disease
To use peppermint oil for acid reflux disease, add 2 drops of 100% pure peppermint essential oil {I bought mine here} to a glass of water and drink. Repeat this throughout the day as needed. That’s it! This is a very simple and safe way that you may be able to avoid medication and heal your acid relux disease.
Peppermint is used extensively in Western and Eastern medicine for indigestion and other ailments. And who knows – it may help with weight loss too!
Do you suffer from acid reflux disease? How do you treat it?
Linked to: What Joy Is Mine A Mama’s Story The Modest Mom Wildcrafting Wednesday
I tried the peppermint essential oil but it was to strong even with the smallest drop and made my reflux worse. But what I did fine that worked was Probio 5 from Plexus. I have had complete relief for 5 months now and I am very grateful.
I’m so glad that helped you! My friend tried a probiotic and it did not help her. One should never give up until they find what works for them!
It appears that I linked up after your post by divine appointment!
In the last year I have been suffering from acid reflux, but not in the way that most do, with more subtle symptoms, but definitely disconcerting ones. I have done some research about it and from what I have read, it seems as though the typical medications prescribed by doctors actually aggravates the situation rather than cures it.
I have tried cutting out dairy and switched to almond milk. I did notice an appreciable difference in my acid reflux symptoms and realized it this summer when I treat myself to ice cream once a week and my symptoms have returned.
I will definitely look into peppermint oil as you described here.
I hope it helps, Karen!
There is a theory that many people with reflux have too little acid, not too much. Probiotics along with Betaine HCI could help and is what I am doing. You have to read up on how to use Betaine HCI correctly. Too much could swing it the other way. Here is a good article on it:
Thanks for sharing, Missy!