Recycled Can Tool Caddy | Redo It Yourself Inspirations : Recycled Can Tool Caddy

Friday, August 7, 2015

Recycled Can Tool Caddy

Ha... those belts again!
This time I'm recycling some belt scraps, cans and a wooden cutting board to make a tool caddy. We never have enough tool caddies. Do we? 

It starts with two tuna cans, four tomato sauce cans, two sheet magnets, a cutting board and... 

my belt scraps stash.

Let me show you.
First sanded the board a bit to stain and paint it.

I played with the stain and paint until I got a nice distressed look to it with a mahogany stain and turquoise paint. And this is what I liked.

Then I grabbed the belts and buckles to hot glue onto the cans.

Staggering the leather colors and buckles to come up with my kind of bling.

Then, put them up to the prepared wooden cutting board for placement. Two on each side. 

Snug as a bug! 

Ready for a drilled pilot hole through the can and leather into the board. Then secured with screws. 

Those magnets were glued down into the tuna cans. (Great for those little screws and nails.) Then added to the sides of the cutting board.

But elevated to hold screws, nails, whatever for easy reach and visual.

Now that it was all put together...
It's a handy portable tool caddy!
I love using a tool caddy. No searching. Everything is right here and put together. So easy to put right back too.

My style.
All recycled and free with my kind of bling!
So glad to use the belt buckles from my previous belt projects.

Cans are amazing. They hold stuff. Especially tools. 
This is going to get used a whole lot! 

How about that? Recycled belt scraps, cans and a wooden cutting board!

I have the skinny and fat flat screwdrivers separated from the skinny and fat Philips screwdrivers. Time saving and organized. Pliers, cutters, scissors, measuring tape.. whatever project of the day tools! Perfect! 

PS: I do need to buy some more glue sticks. When I do, they can go in a can!  ;) 

Created for the August 
Creative Craft Challenge!