A very happy finish

So I was nearly there last month to meet my deadline, and then I ran out of thread half way through the quilting.
So I ordered another spool of thread and finished the quilting but it was too late for the gift giving.
So I finished the quilting and added the binding by machine. There was a few hundred centimeters of binding to be hand sewn.... which I left for a few weeks. But then we were going home twice where there was a good occasion to finally gift my quilt to Mum so last week, over the course of 2 evenings, I sat down with my huge triangle quilt to finally bind it and give it away this week-end.
So 322 triangles later, the quilt is finished, no longer a UFO and an OPAM for July.

Linking to Whoop Whoop Friday and that's my item 12 on Q3 Finish Along.


  1. IT looks great Celine. Well done

  2. I adore this quilt and must admit I'm a bit jealous of your finish. I have triangles cut but haven't set up my sewing space since the move. Soon though!

    Love your work!! Visiting as a member of the official 2015 Finish-Along cheerleading squad


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