Hooray For Summer Home Tour - Living Room

in , by Julie Nichols, June 22, 2015



I am so happy to share with you our living room all decked out for summer.

We live in a coastal community surround by the beautiful bay and cove on Eastern Long Island.  Our home is a cape cod style.  The front door leads into a small vestibule which opens up into the living room, our favorite place to hang out!  

Come on in..... Molly and I will show you around.

This area is used as our foyer.
The mirror is just left of the vestibule and a white chest is on the opposite wall.  

 Our entire home is decorated with yard sale finds, roadside giveaways and repurposed items. 

 I like to keep an open heart and mind when shopping at yard sales.
My home is my canvas and I go with my gut instincts and my individual way of decorating.  In other words, I follow my own inner voice when looking for items for our home.  

My husband & I pulled the white chest out of a neighbors trash.  It is brand new just missing the drawer slides.  Luckily my husband is handy and was able to add them to the drawers.

My idea for our home is to keep it simple with a warm feeling.  I thought a sectional would be perfect for our small family.  It fits snug against the wall with plenty of space around it to showcase family photos.  The three of us sit comfortably here along with Molly and our kitty.  This sectional had a chaise on the end, it took up to much space so I removed it and placed it in another room.

I purchased the antique coffee table at a yard sale.  I am thinking of staining it a weathered gray.
The small table left of the sectional was a trash giveaway.

Blue is my go-to color to decorate with.  It is my favorite color and you will find it throughout our home.  Even our ceiling is blue! A custom mix made by my hubby.  There is no name for this color he just mixed whatever leftover paint we had and came up with this pretty blue.  

The wall  color is Benjamin Moore 208 (Da Vinci's Canvas)

My take-out food box held up well.  I made it about a year ago.

Our entertainment center sits between two windows with the TV mounted on the wall.  The entertainment center was a hutch that we had in our kitchen. I repurposed it by removing the top piece (where the china would be displayed)  replaced the door with a chalkboard purchased from Decor Steals,  placed a DVD player and cable box where a drawer was and painted it white.  I leaned the door to the hutch on top of it. (I painted that as well with a mix of different paint colors.)

Our old fluorescent light fixture from our kitchen is now a wall vase/sometimes picture hanger.

This horse is one of my favorite finds purchased in the spring at a barn sale.


Race boat trophies I spray painted, vintage house numbers... I used push pins and just pinned them to the cardboard that came with the frame, the louver shutter came off the entertainment center {hutch} and a couple of my photos sit on top.

A shelf placed behind our sectional holds photos of our daughter.  The lamps I spray painted turquoise and distressed.  The metal letters on the wall are our initials.  (purchased at TJ Maxx.)
{I stained the shelf and my husband hung the brackets.}

I made a gallery wall of some of my favorite pictures.

These pretty frames are from Two's Company.  I purchased them many years ago.

A Decor Steals pillow lays on top of my favorite chair purchased on sale at Home Goods.

Hand-painted driftwood sign made by me sits on top of another roadside giveaway.

Mussels are abundant on Long Island.  I love them with tomato sauce over pasta. 
Here is one hand painted..... it is one of my favorite little shells.

I love decorating with natural elements.  In the summer I use seashells, beach glass, flowers, and driftwood.  I used a small shell to cover up the nail above the picture.

I love flowers they add an instant freshness to any room!!

Turquoise is my favorite summer color!

I love rooms with character and personal charm and I work to achieve that in my home.  I like to add unexpected, whimsical surprises in an unconventional way.  

I hope you enjoyed the tour of our little seaside home.  

Molly and I thank you for stopping by!

Hope you come back to see our Hooray for summer kitchen tour.
Have a Beautiful Day!!

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  1. Very pretty. Love your entry way!

  2. Enjoyed the visit, love your "summer" décor home.

  3. I so love your home. Can I come by for visit, maybe play rummy, have some sun tea? Your home is so homey, welcoming, not stodgy at all. Can tell you have big heart for your family and home. Everything I saw was trying to note in my old brain.
    Aquas are my favorite colors for any time of year. I've used aqua to complement light gray walls and just a tad of coral. I have to have color around me, keeps me going and happy, alive. I admire people's homes that are neutral but have tried neutral myself and didn't last long. I tend to change things out for seasons, keeps me interested and occupied more that way. We stay at home alot so seeing different art/mirrors, photos on walls keeps me thinking of ways to improve. Last summer we finally painted our living room in very light gray over ugly plastic wall coverings typical in mfg. homes. What a difference it made in how room looked let alone how it felt and made me feel about our home. sWe're still working on getting painting done, next will be to finish kitchen which is next to and seen from living room. Our mfg. home is single wide. 16x80. Not our dream home but we seem to have settled in contentedly after almost 9 yrs. Hubs is not one to be hurried with getting things done, I have bum shoulder so painting not so easy for me plus have very inconvenient arthritis doggone it. I get so much inspiration looking at homes such as yours, gives me ideas for things I'd love to have but can't afford and figure out how to imitate on our budget. To me that's a great challenge. Enjoy your wonderful home, love all I saw.

  4. Hi Julie!
    Thank you for visiting my blog today and leaving a comment. I am glad it led me to your blog!
    I loved looking through your summer home tour, it's all so pretty!
    We have quite a few things in common!
    I love the mussel shell, I have never seen one hand painted before! Being from the East Coast of Canada mussels are something we see as well, and they are a shell that remind me of home!
    Your home is beautiful!
    ps...Molly is a cutie!
    Hugs, Kimberley

  5. So enjoyed the tour! Love how you used the flourescent light fixture...great idea and looks amazing! Molly is so sweet!

    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  6. Fun tour. I love the beachy theme. The boat trophies caught my eye. I am working on a post of my mantle with painted horse trophies. Thanks for the fabulous tour of your home. I enjoy my visit.
    Have a great 4th.

  7. such a great tour! i love that your home has your personal stamp all over it. i love when homes have stories to tell. thanks for sharing. maryjo

  8. Your home is very summery indeed! I love your yellow walls! It's hard to pick a really good yellow. I think of all the beachy elements, I like the wire basket with shells. You've done a great job. Happy 4th!

  9. I just love your ideas and style. Your home looks so refreshing and welcoming. I will be relocating to Georgia soon and I am looking for some ideas. I will continue following your Blog!

  10. Gorgeous! You did such a lovely job. Everything is so bright and cheery. I'll definitely be sharing on Facebook.

  11. Looks great, love your style.


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