Friday, May 29, 2015

Henrique's Quilt Bound

I spent the afternoon binding a quilt for my soon-to-be nephew.  Henrique is 4 now, and the adoption should be final sometime this year. 

The back is blue minky, and the quilting is a swirly pantograph.

I've decided I like to bind quilts that have minky on the back because the binding stitches disappear into the minky.  You can't even see them, so it doesn't matter if the stitching lines are a little off.  I'm pretty happy to have this quilt done early, with over a month to spare!  Now I need to get started on graduation pillowcases for my son's friends.

Linking up:  and


Heather Graves said...

Cute finish - love the deep blue minky. Did you have any trouble with the minky hairs showing through the top?

Ann said...

Very nice! Can't go wrong with a simple plus design. I am a huge fan of minky backings. Try it with silk batting inside for a super warm quilt!

Gemini Jen NZ said...

Very cool! I have just spent the past couple of hours cutting up fabric for a blue and green plus quilt! I've been wanting to try one for a long time! And isn't minky so lovely on the back of a quilt?!