Hello, my beautiful Friends!
Thank you to you all who have left me some very kind, caring, supporting words! It really does me good to read all your get-well-soon messages and prayers from across the ocean. I am still in recovery after surgery. The surgery itself had some complications, and recovery had been slow, but the good Lord had shown His mercy and made small miracles for this little sinner which is me. Praise Him forever and ever!
Thank you to you all who have left me some very kind, caring, supporting words! It really does me good to read all your get-well-soon messages and prayers from across the ocean. I am still in recovery after surgery. The surgery itself had some complications, and recovery had been slow, but the good Lord had shown His mercy and made small miracles for this little sinner which is me. Praise Him forever and ever!
If you have followed my blog for a while, you might know that I just love colors. Especially in an outfit. My Mom often criticize my fashion sense, saying that my love for cheerful colors, pattern mixing, daring color combination, tendency for over-accesorizing, Hello Kitty, various shades of pink and all things cute and kawaii as kitschy, childish, and unclassy. She herself loves neutral colors, simple lines, high named brands, and animal prints. She oozes class and exudes elegance.
Well, yeah, I admire Audrey and Coco. A lot. But I am not them. Elegance is not my first, middle, nor my last name. I love looking at pictures of high-society ladies like Ivanka Trump and Aerin Lauder. I admire their fashion sense and simplicity. But I know that if I wear what they wear on a daily basis, I would get bored pretty quickly. Their fashion sense is their own. Mine is mine.
And my fashion sense can be summed up in M3F as I wrote in About section of this blog: modest, frugal, feminine and fun. And I would underline the word FUN.
Fashion is what get me going out of bed in the morning, most of the time. I'm not a morning person, waking up early to go to work or pretty much to do anything early in the morning is a hard chore. However, thinking about all the pretty colors and fun outfits and accesories that I'm going to wear that day makes me excited and want to throw aside the blanket, get into the shower and start my morning preparation ritual that would set the tone for the whole day.
Granted, once I'm dressed and dash out the door, I would forget about what I wear. And that works for me. By liking what I see in the mirror before starting my day, I start the day in a joyful mode and soon after I can focus to do whatever it is I need or want to do for the day: go to work, go to the park with my son, meeting friends, trying out new restaurant, clean the house, prepare holiday decoration. My morning ritual - beauty and fashion - is like what a stage actress does before she starts the show: make up and preparation to get into the role.
My role is not an elegant lady of leisure that covers the page of a magazine. My role is a daughter of God, a wife, a mother, a career woman, a business owner, a middle class woman who loves life and embraces it with open arms and sparkles in her eyes. A woman who loves colors, Hello Kitty, pinks, and kitschy, cute stuff. Tacky to some, pretty and fun to me.
And that's OK. Take a look around you. The color of the sky, the different shapes of flowers, birds, texture of grass, food, architecture of buildings, different bone structure of people around the world. Can't you tell? The Lord loves beauty and variety.
After all, if all women look like Ivanka and Aerin, Coco and Audrey, don't you think the fashion world would be a little bit boring? After all, it's their individuality that makes these magnificent ladies stand out among everyone else.
What say you? ^__^
That's why Kate Spade is one of my favorite brands. It's fun, colorful, good quality, and relatively affordable. I love this Kate Spade purse in tosca. The color is fun, the shape classic, and it can carry a multitude of things. I finish the look with hot fuschia wedges with this cute bow and colorful beaded necklace and bracelets. Unclassy? Maybe. Fun? Absolutely.

R & M Richards R & M Collection Long-Sleeve Ruffle-Front Jacket Dress • $89.99
Lauren Ralph Lauren Ruffled Skirt • $79.50
Style&co. Silver-Tone Purple and Blue Bead Long Necklace • $16.99
Mixit Hematite Multicolor Bead Earring and Necklace Set • $16.80
Kate Spade New York 'lucca Drive - Small Candace' Leather Satchel • $358
Kate Spade New York 'cedar Street - Maise' Satchel • $298
DAZZLING DESIGNS Multicolor Heart-Shape Faceted Glass Bead Stretch Bracelet • $15.99
BLEU NYC Bleu Multicolor Beads Stretch Bracelet • $8.99
Frye Alexa Leather Bow Wedge, Red • $99.50
Shoe Magnate Inc Who Bows There? Wedge • $39.99

I'm linking up to these wonderful Ladies:
- Taming Rapunzel: Hair Style Monday
- DC in Style: Monday Bloom
- Not Dead Yet Style: Visible Monday
- Mom's The Word: Make Your Home Sing Monday
- Happy Wives Club: Marriage Mondays
- The Better Mom: The Better Mom Mondays
- What Joy Is Mine: Monday Musings
- Color Blind: Thrifer Anonymous
- The Modest Mom
- Create With Joy: Inspire Me Monday
- The Beauty in His Grip: Sharing His Beauty Mondays
- A Pinch Of Joy: Busy Monday
- Tell Me A Story
- Still Being Molly: YOLO Monday
- Very Busy Mama: Real Mom Style
- Momma In Flip Flops: Real Mom Style
- Thrifty Chic Mom: Real Mom Style
- I Am Priiincess: Monday Madness
- Basic Training – Corporate Style: Fashionably Employed Link Up
- Glamamom: Mode Monday
- Bon Bon Rose Girls: Monday Mingle
- Mom Trend: Monday Mingle
- More Pieces of Me: Manic Monday
- On the Daily Express: Manic Monday
- Whitney Nic James: Personal Style Monday
- Fizz And Frosting: Mix It Monday
- The Style Record: Monday Must Haves
- A Proverbs 31 Wife: Matrimonial Monday Linkup
- I Should Be Mopping The Floor: Inspiration Monday
- Splashin Glory: Momma Notes
- Missional Call: M M and M Monday Linkup
- Chronicles of Grace: Unforced Rhythms
- The Wellspring: Playdates with God
- Rich Faith Rising: Unite
- Finding Heaven: Soli Deo Gloria
- Growing Home: Growing Homemaker
- Teaching What Is God: Women Helping Women
- Join The Gossip: Monday Morning Gossip
- Life of Meg: Mingle Monday
- Little Miss Fashion Queen: Little Miss Monday
- Strangers & Pilgrims On Earth: The Art of Home Making Mondays
- A Delightsome Life: Return to Loveliness
- Bless Her Heart Y'All: Celebrate Southern Link Up
- Darling Downs Diaries: Good Morning Monday Mondays
- A Field of Wild Flowers: Small Wonder
- Style Nudge: Shoe & Tell
- Life’s a Party Dress Like it: Stylish Tuesday
- The Fashion Canvas: Trend Spin Linkup
- Corner Stone Confessions: Titus 2 Tuesday
- Time Warp Wife: Titus 2 Tuesday
- Coastal Charm: Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
- Keeping Life Simple: The Gathering Spot
- Sugar Bee Crafts: Take A Look Tuesday
- Style Elixir: Style Sessions Fashion Link Up
- Growing Home Blog: Teach Me Tuesday
- 100lb Countdown: Turn It Up Tuesday
- Greater Than Rubies: Remix, Rewear, Restyle
- Walking In Memphis In High Heels: Trend Spin Link Up
- Myriad Musings: Style Swap Tuesdays
- Mama and More: All About You
- Elegantly Dressed And Stylish: Turning Heads Tuesday
- Transatlantic Blonde: What I Wore Wednesday
- Because Shanna Said So: Random Wednesday
- My Girlish Whims: My Whims Wednesday
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- Kimba Likes: Wardrobe Wednesday
- The Pleated Poppy: What I Wore Wednesday
- Messy Marriage: Wedded Wednesday
- Elizabeth & Co.: Be Inspired
- My Daily Walk In His Grace: Winsome Wednesday
- A Creative Princess
- Get Your Pretty On: I Feel Pretty
- A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
- Cute And Little: Color Brigade
- Redcliffe Style: 30 Plus Style and Beauty Linkup
- Adorned From Above
- Woman to Woman Ministries: Word Filled Wednesday
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- Jennifer Dukes Lee: Tell His Story
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- Shopping My Closet: Style Me Wednesday
- CLK Fashions: Fashion Boutique Favorites
- The Tiny Heart: Look What I Got
- Penniless Socialite: Look What I Got
- Rebecca Lately: Look What I Got
- Vodka-Infused Lemonade: Tres-Chic Thursday
- Mix and Match Fashion: What I Wore to Work
- 3-D Lessons For Life: Thought Provoking Thursday
- Katherines Corner: Thursday Favorite Blog Hop
- A Glimpse Inside: Catch A Glimpse Party
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- Maybe I Will: Be.You.Tiful
- Chic California: Be.You.Tiful
- The Happy Gal: Be.You.Tiful
- Fry Sauce And Grits: Be.You.Tiful
- Raising Mighty Arrows: Proverbs 31 Thursday
- All Things With Purpose: All Things Thursday
- Children Are A Blessing: Growing In Grace Link Up
- White Coat Wardrobe and Perfectly Coutured : Three Fer Thursday
- Simply Just Lovely: Working Girl With Style
- Soul & Spirit: Let Your Light Shine Thursday
- Treasure Tromp: Treat Yo'Self Thursday
- Mummy's Got Style: Fashion Friday
- Penniless Socialite and Delusions of Grandeur: Favorite Fashion Friday Link Up
- Two Thirty Five Designs: Casual Friday Link Up
- Serenity Now: Weekend Bloggy Reading Link Up
- Simply Lulu Style: What I’m Loving Fridays
- Style Elixir: Friday’s Fab Favorites
- Musings of a Housewife: Fashion Friday
- Rags to Stitches: Coffee Date Friday
- Womanhood With Purpose: Friday's Link Up
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- Simple Sequins: Fashion Item Friday
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- Christian Mommy Blogger: Fellowship Friday
- The Jenny Evolution: Friday Flash Blog
- Soul Survival: Faithful Friday Linkup
- Bacon Time With The Hungry Hypo: Anything Goes Linky Party
- Midwest Style Bloggers: Friday Favorites
- Lena B Actually: Passion For Fashion
- Blissful And Domestic: Feature Friday Link Up
- Sabby Style: Friday Frills
- How Sweet The Sound: Pink Saturday
- Six Sisters' Stuff: Strut Your Stuff Saturday Linky Party
- Renewed Daily: Recommendation Saturday
- Fashionista Momma: Stylish Saturday
- Sincerely Paula: No Rules Weekend Blog Party
- Amanda's Books And More: Make My Saturday Sweet
- The Baby Shopaholic: Mamanista Friday
I am so sorry to hear you have had surgery. I hope that you are doing much better by now. You always look so nice in such carefully put together outfits.
I love colors too. I don't mix quite as many different ones as you did in the pictures, but I think they definitely look fun on you! I agree that - no matter what style - if everyone dressed the same it would be boring. Best wishes!
Hi !
I love that you love color. The green in your top, lovely blue purse and those really cool sandals look great on yo
thanks for linking up with TH Tuesday!
jess xx
I didn't know you had surgery! Praying that the pace of recovery picks up soon. Love your color - it's amazing how that can really inspire us and put us in a good mood!
That is more than ok! I love the pop of colors in your outfit! Thanks for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things!
This woman love colors and Hello Kitty, too, that's why I really love this outfit, color combo and your style.
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